26 Dec 2008
Dec 26th
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day and lots of lovely presents. Hope you didn't eat to much but then what the heck it is Christmas after all. I am in the process of trying to load a song list so you can listen while you look but I am having a small problem at the moment.
When I visit the JS forum I have noticed quite a few crafters have printer queries/problems I have a Canon and the colour ink has run out but will cost me £20 + to buy another one. So although its a beautiful printer its expensive. I have just an ordinary HP Deskjet printer that I had has a free gift so I have connected that to try. Unfortunately it doesn't have a scanner so my lovely friend Christine has one that she doesn't use and is going to send me so I will still be able to scan my cards to put them on my blog.
By being a member of the JS forum I have met so many lovely people and made some wonderful friends.....something I never thought I would ever do. That to me is the greatest Christmas present I could have wished for.
Hope to post some cards soon probably in 2009 so here's wishing you all a Happy New Year.
Love & Hugs
Lorraine x
24 Dec 2008
3rd and final award (for now)

Right this is the 3rd and final award that lovely Beryl http://wlpandivascraft.blogspot.com has given me. With this one the rule is to create a link back to the person who has sent you the award and then nominate 5 other blogs you would like to give it to and leave a message for them telling them the award is for their blog.
BlogsI would like to nominate are:
1. http://chrissiescreations.blogspot.com
2. http://ednasplace.blogspot.com
3. http://christine-ladylacecraftingblog.blogspot.com
4. http://lavenderbreeze.wordpress.com
5. http://cardmakingtranquility.blogspot.com
Whew now I know how to do this (again thanks to Beryl) next time (I hope there will be a next time) I will do them when I receive them it will be much easier.
Lorraine x
2nd Blog Award-Butterfly Award

Hello this is the second of three beautiful awards given to me by Beryl http://wlpandivascraft.blogspot.com. I am so glad that Beryl thinks I am worthy of such awards but they mean so much to me as they are the first I have ever received. As I said in my last posting I am a bit useless with links so I will put the blog sites down and hope that I haven't done anything wrong.
I am quite new to blogging and still learning so much but enjoying it. My fellow crafters have been wonderful visting my blog and giving me encouragement and inspiration. I have learnt so much from them this past year I could never have done so much without them.
here goes this time I have to list 10 blogs this is the rule so it must be followed.
Well these are 10 blogs that I visit regularly and I hope that the award will be accepted by all.
Lorraine x
Blog Award

Hi this lovely award was given to me by a fellow crafter Beryl http://wlpandivascraft.blogspot.com/ who is a very talented crafter and a great inspiration to me and I believe to other crafters. I would like to thank Beryl for thinking of me when giving this award as it has made me feel quite proud. The rules are as well as telling 5 things that I am addicted to I have to pass this on to 5 fellow bloggers whose blogs are among my favourites. As I am quite new to the blogging scene my favourite list is still growing but the ones I choose I am sure will already have it. I am not very good at the links thingy so I will list the blog sites and the link to their sites I hope this is ok.
Five things I am addicted to:
a. Crafting especially rubber stamping
b. Shopping especially rubber stamps
c. Walking my dog Polo
d. Visiting the Joanna Sheen Forum
e. Milky Coffee
Blimey that was quite difficult now the blogs
1. http://christine-ladylacecraftingblog.blogspot.com/
2. http://bikshome.blogspot.com/
3. http://lavenderbreeze.wordpress.com/
4. http://cardmakingtranquility.blogspot.com/
5. http://craftblogspiritofcreativity.blogspot.com/
Wow more difficult than I thought but worth it for being able to show an award on my blog.
Lorraine x
Wishing you all
Love & Hugs
Lorraine x
20 Dec 2008
Dec 20th
I have read the comments made by some of my crafting friends and I know that some of you would like to put a slideshow of your own cards on your blogs but have had trouble doing so. I spent quite a while sussing it out but have now done a 2nd one and find it quite easy so if you would like a few easy to follow steps here goes:
1. Log into Photobucket
2. Choose the album you want to make into a slide show
3. Click on 'slideshow' at the top of the tool bar
4. You will see 3 steps to follow a) choose the cards from your album that you would like to
appear in your slideshow once you have done this they should
appear in the middle of the screen.
b) step 2 go to the right of the screen and click on the slideshow
display that you like if you change your mind just click on
another one until you find the one you like best.
c) click save slideshow and put in a title
5. The next step is to click on 'share' this will open a screen you will need to enter your
e-mail address and password then click on the blogger sign on the left hand side of the screen
This should then show a link to your own blogger site.
6. Click share and Photobucket should bring up a message 'posted to blog ok' with a big green
I hope you can follow these steps but if you still have a problem just leave a comment where you have gone wrong and I will get back to you asap.
If I find that I have missed anything I will edit this post asap.
Once again I wish all my crafting friends and visitors a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Lorraine x
19 Dec 2008
Dec 08 Cards
Well I have managed to scan in some cards and make another slide show. The cards are all 8"x8" and I made them as a Christmas present for my mum. I have stamped and watercoloured all of them also using some embellishments. I have a beautiful faux leather red box which I have put them in along with the envelopes and I will be tying a big red bow on. As I rarely go out and money is a bit scarce I decided to make a present for mum and I think she will like it. Many thanks for looking and thanks to all for the comments and visiting my blog.
Merry Christmas to all
14 Dec 2008
Hi December 14th
Just managed to suss out how to put a slideshow on my new blog, I hope you like it. It has taken me quite a while but worth it ....I think. It is a selection of cards that I have shown over the last several months the reason being I haven't been updating my photobucket account so I have used a selection of what I had. I am determined to scan some new cards in and update the slideshow on a regular basis.
I am sorry for not posting but I have not been well and could not get motivated to post. I am sure people will get fed up with me as I feel I am forever saying I am not well or I am having a bout of my depression again. I do so want to say I feel great......
I have been viewing the JS forum on a daily basis to keep up to date with what is happening ad have been so impressed with the cards that are being created, they are all so beautiful.
One of my dear friends from the forum has just created a blog and I am sure will soon have a whole host of followers. Christine's new blog is in my blog links, ladylace, visit and have a look.
Well I will now leave you to Father Christmas and if I don't manage to post again before the day I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Lorraine x
25 Nov 2008
Nov 27th

16 Nov 2008
Hello 16th November
Some of you may have seen my other blog on wordpress but I decided to give blogger a go and if I like it I will probably keep this one as my main one.
I will be posting some cards that I have recently made so please watch this space.
I was published May Issue 2014

Making Cards Mag Page 75
This is my entry for this week's Cute Daisy May Challenge which is themed Floral Fantasy. I have used floral Bearlymine backing papers...
I do apologise that I did not get my DT post onto blogger in time but here it is. Our new challenge at SEW MANY CHALLENGES is CHRISTMAS and...
Hi today is not only the launch of our new challenge but also a Blog Hop. Our challenge theme for January which will run for the the whole ...
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Guest Designer

July - Oct 2021
Now a full DT member CCK

from 1st Sept 2020 -
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I have two cards to enter into some challenges today my first one was a freebie image from MOONDREA DESIGNS called Daffodil the papers are ...