My Lovely Supporters

11 Oct 2014


Hi all, today I am actually able to post a card that I have made using a cute little image from
I am using Explorer as the main problem seems to be between Blogger and Chrome, not overly keen on it but at least I get to post my cards and do some commenting.
I have coloured this little cutie with graph It Markers, I used a 5 x 5 scalloped circle card, I cut some gold mirri card and SU spotty paper with my EK Success circle cutter, I mounted the image onto Kraft card, I then punched a circle and scallop with my SU punches and adhered an Autumnal coloured button a bow and some butterflies.
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:
I would like to thank everyone who has helped me sort out my Blogger problem I just hope that it all sorts itself out soon.
My next bit of news is rather upsetting for me, I am afraid I have to return Eddie to his foster carer, Jess just would not bond with him and became not only aggressive but withdrawn, she wouldn't even go out for her walks.
Although I am heart broken I know it is for the best as Jess is and always has been my baby girl, I tried it out, it didn't work so I will not be trying again.  Jess will once again be the centre of my attention the long lasting love of my life.
I know that there will be no problem in the rescue centre finding a new home for Eddie he is going to bring someone a lot of joy and love, he is a special little chappie and I will always hold a place in my heart for him as I have with all the dogs that I have had.
Some will say that I have not given them enough time to bond but it has been a week and it was so upsetting to see Jess as she was.
I will see you all later until then have a lovely weekend.

10 Oct 2014


Hi all. I thank you for your wonderful comments unfortunately blogger is playing up again and is not letting me leave comments to any blog, I cannot even load my new DT badge in my sidebar.  I have reverted to Google + which I am not happy about but it still makes no difference a blank white box comes up, if I try to reload/refresh I get frozen out.  I have been trying all day to visit you all to no avail, I have rebooted the computer about 3 times so far.  I have also heard that some rather crude pop ups are appearing on my blog which is so upsetting, I have actioned my Malware programme that removed a few threats I have also actioned scans by Norton.  I am thinking of deleting this blog and starting again from scratch, I use Google Chrome but will try one more time with Explorer maybe that will help.  I am thinking that Wordpress may be my only answer to this ongoing, frustrating situation.  i really hope to see you soon. hugs xxx

9 Oct 2014


Some of you will have noticed a badge in my sidebar letting you know that 
is starting a new challenge on
I am so proud and honored to have been chosen as one of the new design team members, I am still on cloud 9 and so excited to be able to share my news with you.
Please pop over to the blog and grab yourself a badge HERE as we want everyone to come and join us in the New Year for our very first challenge.

Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend.


Good morning all, I am a little late posting my cards, I was going to schedule them but my son is doing his NVQ3 and wanted to use the computer I have only just got it back, I am still trying to remember how to sign into my e-mail as he changed the account.
Anyway my first card is my inspiration for the current Halloween challenge at
I have used the image
I have coloured her with Graph It Markers and Copics, I used gingham card stock and some Elusive Images papers both have been mounted onto black card stock, I used a die cut for the flourishes and a rose for the display then added a Hunkydory sentiment.
This is my last DT card for Fitztown I hope you like it
closer view of the image 
I would like to enter the above card into the following challenges:

My second card features a cute image called 
Haystacks the ScarecrowHaystacks the Scarecrow (colored)
and this little cutie is available from
I have coloured Haystacks with Graph It Markers, I cut him out and adhered him to the papers with silicone glue, I used Viva Decor Gold pearls around the inner circle, I didn't think that this little fella needed too many embellishments so I added some burlap ribbon that I frayed along the edges and a flower. 
If you would like to see some fabulous inspiration then please visit the other DT their projects are awesome as always.
is having a new challenge their theme is

Many thanks for visiting me and for the lovely comments that you leave they all mean so much to me, once I have managed to sort my computer out i will be back to see you all, until have a lovely day.

7 Oct 2014


Hi all I have managed to catch up on some commenting and have taken a few photos of Jess and Eddie.  I am so overwhelmed by your kindness and your best wishes for Eddie, things are getting a little better each day, I will try and write more detail a little later, I thank you all so very much.

My card was made for a certain challenge but did not get posted so I have saved it for now, I thought it was to lovely not to show you all.
I have used an image from FITZTOWN called WINTER 8,  I have coloured her with graph it markers and copics for the skin tones.  The papers are LOTV and the sentiment is Kanban, I think.  The image and papers have all been mounted onto black card stock.
I found out recently that the dotty effect that I use for the fur has a name it is called Pointillism, when I received one of the weekly tutorials from Splitcoast Stampers it was featured on there, and there was me thinking that i had come up with a new colouring invention, lol. I also saw it demonstrated on Create and Craft when they launched the newest marker on the market Chameleon Markers, they looked nice but gosh a little pricey for me I'm afraid, besides I love what I have.
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:
Now onto my pictures of the doggies, meet Eddie a 3 year old Maltese Terrier, he is much smaller than Jess and so lovable, until 3 weeks ago he had never been taken out for walk or had a lead put on him and never been socialised with people but he is the friendliest dog you could wish to meet. 
here is both Jess and Eddie having a good ole sniff around the garden. 
I will be showing some more photos as time goes on, Eddie had had a haircut as when he was first taken in by the rescue home his hair was matted, it is not the best of haircuts, lol, but I am planning on taking him to the groomers for a nice bath and proper hairdo, 

This is what a Maltese Terrier looks like with a full coat of hair, they have no undercoat so do not molt but can catch colds so when I take Eddie out he has a little coat on him
Eddie will not be looking like the one above but may look like this, as time goes on
Many thanks for visiting I will see you soon but it may be spasmodic for the next week or two.

5 Oct 2014


Hi Just a quick message to say that everything went fine with Jess and Eddie, Eddie is now at home with us and asleep on the sofa, Jess has been fussing around him ever since we got home, but she is now asleep on the sofa as well, lol.  The foster carer has two dogs of her own as well as Eddie and Jess just walked right in and after all the sniffing etc, they all got on so well, Jess did me proud.  My mum came with us and she loves little Eddie, she will be having them both sleeping on the bed with her tonight, lol.  It will take a few days for things to settle down and for Eddie to get used to living with us but I am quietly confident that things are going to be ok. All the well wishes that you have sent me obviously worked I could feel you all routing for Jess and me I thank you all with all my heart.

Tomorrow I am taking Eddie to the pet store to get him a harness, I had already bought him a collar and lead with a tag which is a requirement by the rescue centre, but Jess always goes for walks on a harness and I want Eddie to do the same.  I will also be buying some new toys for them to play with.  I will be taking lots of photos so you can see both Eddie and Jess hopefully I can post a picture this week.  Please bear with me for a few days while I get everything settle then I will be back to see you all.

lots of hugs and love xxxx


Hi all, today the sun is shining and I am going on a little journey the first that I have taken in several years, I am nervous and apprehensive but also excited.
For a very long time now, since my Polo left me, I have wanted to give a home to a rescue dog, I have been looking and have found a little chappie that I am hoping will be a friend, companion and playmate for my Jess.  
Today we are going to visit that little doggy and I am keeping my fingers crossed that Jess and little Eddie will like each other.  I have passed the house check and today is the day that may be the start of a new life for little Eddie.  Eddie is a 3 year old Maltese Terrier he is currently in a foster home but looking for a 'forever' home, I would love that to be ours.
Jess loves to play with small dogs, she is very wary of big dogs as they have chased her so many times when out for a walk that she has become quite frightened of them.  Sometimes her confidence is strong and she tells them off but on most occasions she just runs off.
However, the scene is totally different with dogs more her size she loves them, she is nearly always the first to go say hello and invites them to play with her, when I see her playing it warms my heart so much to see her enjoying life.  I have more than enough love in my heart to share with another little dog and I pray it will be Eddie.  Wish Jess and me luck.
Gosh I am not one that normally writes a big post but I wanted to share my news with you all.
Now onto my card share for today.
I made this card a few days ago it features one of my most favourite Tilda stamps, I have coloured the image with Graph It Markers and Copics for the skin tones, I have doodled the frame, I mounted the image onto black card stock, the papers are a mixture, the red is Hobby Craft the brown is Dovecraft, all have been mounted onto gold mirri card. I have added a glittered star and Christmas gift also a couple of red bows, a sentiment and some Pinflair snow dust and ice that I have mixed together in a pot.
closer view of the image 
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:
Penny Black and More Challenges is also having a candy giveaway to join in the fun go HERE

Well that's it from me today, I hope that you all enjoy what is left of the weekend.
Many thanks to each and everyone who has visited and left me some wonderful comments I am very grateful for the time that have taken to visit, see you soon.

I was published May Issue 2014

I was published May Issue 2014
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