My Lovely Supporters

30 Oct 2012

Ooh La La Challenge #117

Hi all, I want to thank you for the beautiful comments you have left for me over the loss of my darling Polo, they have meant so much to me, you will never know how much I appreciate each and everyone, I thank you with all my heart.
I am trying hard to regain some semblance of normality but please bear with me.
have a new challenge the theme is
Here is the card that I made before my traumatic loss.
I made an easel card from red mirri card, due to the reflection I took the picture at an angle, the image and papers are from the Everyday CD Rom.  I have added pearls, ribbon and bow.
Many thanks for visiting.

29 Oct 2012


I am sorry I have not been around this last week but my little Po was put to sleep last Thursday.
We had been together for over 17 years, my heart is in pieces at the moment
I lost my Broadband connection the day Po left me, today Po came home, his ashes are in a beautiful wooden casket, my new router was delivered so I could get back on line to let you know.
The picture below is one of the last ones that I took of Polo
Polo Mr Handsome
I don't know how I am manage to write this as I am in tears, as I have been for the last week,  I just want to be with my Po.  
RIP my little darling I will love you for eternity.
10-06-1995 - 25-10-2012
Thank you all for your comments on my posts, once I feel a little better I will be visiting you all.

I was published May Issue 2014

I was published May Issue 2014
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