Hi this lovely award was given to me by a fellow crafter Beryl http://wlpandivascraft.blogspot.com/ who is a very talented crafter and a great inspiration to me and I believe to other crafters. I would like to thank Beryl for thinking of me when giving this award as it has made me feel quite proud. The rules are as well as telling 5 things that I am addicted to I have to pass this on to 5 fellow bloggers whose blogs are among my favourites. As I am quite new to the blogging scene my favourite list is still growing but the ones I choose I am sure will already have it. I am not very good at the links thingy so I will list the blog sites and the link to their sites I hope this is ok.
Five things I am addicted to:
a. Crafting especially rubber stamping
b. Shopping especially rubber stamps
c. Walking my dog Polo
d. Visiting the Joanna Sheen Forum
e. Milky Coffee
Blimey that was quite difficult now the blogs
1. http://christine-ladylacecraftingblog.blogspot.com/
2. http://bikshome.blogspot.com/
3. http://lavenderbreeze.wordpress.com/
4. http://cardmakingtranquility.blogspot.com/
5. http://craftblogspiritofcreativity.blogspot.com/
Wow more difficult than I thought but worth it for being able to show an award on my blog.
Lorraine x
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