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3 Jul 2010

Chi Chi Summer Fun

Hi All this card I have made using one of the new sets available from Chi Chi Memories called Summer Fun here is my card which I am entering into the challenge at Delightful Sketches - It's All About Summer.
and here is the full set available to buy at Chi Chi Memories
For my card I have used a 6x6 base card the papers are Basic Grey I have added flowers and stamped sentiment, the background I have used chalks the images have both been coloured with Copics. Thank you so much for looking.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

One Stop Craft Challenge #87

Morning all today we have a new challenge for you at 
The Theme is Distressing, the sponsor is Dew Drops Craftz.

I am also entering my DT card into the following challenges 
Here is my card
I have used an image from Dew Drop called Tokyo Girl and coloured her with Copics.  I have done so much distressing on this card I don't know where to start lol.
Well I have used chalks to distress around the image, I have used my distressing tool to distress the edges of the papers and flowers, the base paper is DCWV which I have sanded, the two big flowers I cut out with different sized circle punches using the same bp screwed them all up rubbed chalks into them the added some diamond stickles.  Instead of adding a flower or gem to the centre I used buttons and threaded some cotton through.
The little flowers I punched out with a small retro daisy punch rubbed some chalk into them added some stickles and gems the top one I added some free flowing cotton thread.
I used the same thread criss crossed over the bp for a notice board effect.
The papers are Basic Grey the sentiment is from a RAK.
Here are some close up pictures for you to see.
I think this card will be perfect for a teenager
I hope you like it and please pop over and see the other DT creations they are stunning 
I do hope you will join us this week at One Stop Craft Challenge.
Big hugs see you later.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

2 Jul 2010

Fun At Fairy Knoll #6

Hi all its me again and it's a new sketch for you to play with at
Fun at Fairy Knoll.  I can't believe it is already Challenge #6 but it is and here is the sketch.

and my DT card
The image I have used this time is Annika available at Fairy Knoll, along with other little beauties.
I have coloured the image with promarkers and used a label Nestie to cut her out, the papers are all SU I have added some flowers from Wild Orchid, card candy and sentiment which is also SU.
I hope you like it and please come join us at Fun at Fairy Knoll.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.
This card I have made for the following challenges:
I have used an image that i have had for sometime but for the life of me cannot remember where I got it from if anyone knows please leave a comment so I can credit the creator. I used a little green promarker in the hair used green card for the scalloped Nestie and green card candy.
The papers are Papermania I have used black mirror card, white lace and white ribbon.
Hugs to all.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

Crafty Ann's Challenge DT Card

Morning all hope you are all well.
Today sees a new challenge at Crafty Ann's the theme is
Shaped Easel Cards
The DT have come up with some stunning creations if you would like to get some inspiration then please check them out.

Here is my DT card
I was fortunate to win some H&S stamped images (thank you Deb) and I have used one on my card, I coloured her with promarkers and sat her on one of Crafty Ann's cup cake images, the bp is also from Crafty Ann's Digi Shop and is the reason I have kept my card quite simple and unadorned I just needed you to see this gorgeous new bp it is even better in real life.
I have used SU Suede card for my base and an Octagon shape, I used a doily to mount the cake and image on I distressed the doily in a soft brown chalk.  I added some card candy and a MS punch strip and placed pearls along to highlight.
I wanted to take different photos to show a closer look at both image and papers
I hope you like my card and please come join us at Crafty Ann's

I would also like to apologise for my lack of commenting as I have not been feeling to well this week, my head seems to be apart from my body so if the grammar in my post looks odd that's the reason lol.....instead of my mojo going walkabout it's me brain.
I have started visiting and commenting but it make take me a few days to catch up so please bear with me.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

1 Jul 2010

Whimsy Blog Hop and Full Monty

Today is so exciting it's the day of the Whimsy Blog Hop which sees the launch of New Digital Images and Sentiments.
My card above shows one of the new releases it is an image by Chrissie Armstrong called Love me Enough.
If you are on the hop you would have come to me from Jo if not then please go HERE to start.

From my blog you will need to go to DEBBIE's blog
please leave a comment at each stop as two names will be chosen at random to win a free digital image.
When you have completed the hop your name will be entered into the main draw to win 5 digital images of your choice from Whimsy Stamps...oh wow the hop is really worth it people.

For my card I coloured this beautiful image with promarkers used a MS round the page punch added some flowers from Wild Orchid a little pink bow and some card candy the papers are a mix of Bearlymine and SU.
Please come join us for the hop which is open from July 1st to July 7th.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

Whoopsie Daisy #3 DT Card

Hi all this is my third post today and is for this months Whoopsie Daisy Challenge our theme is
Hot Colours.
This is my DT card and I have used a beautiful image from sheet No: 68 available HERE
I have used an 8x8 white base card and have layered with strawberry mirror card, K&Co and Basic Grey papers. The image I have coloured with Copics I decided to use one of my large Dahlia flowers that I have  had stored away lol but thought they needed to see the light of day.
The gems at both top and bottom are the actual centres for the flower but have used them separately and added a Wild Orchid flower to the centre of the Dahlia instead, I like the effect a lot. I also added a die cut butterfly.
Here is a close up picture of the image.
I hope you like it and will join us this month showing your creations of 'Hot Colours'
Hugs to all see you later.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

Sir Stampalot #4 DT Card

Hi again this is my second post of the day and as it is the 1st of July it is the start of a new challenge at 
Sir Stampalot our theme for this month is
Lazy Hazy Days Of Summer
please read the challenge rules that are posted on the challenge site.
This month we have another whopper of a prize and here it what you could win

Here are my DT projects, yes I have done two this time I have created both a 6x6 card and 4 3x3 cards, this first picture shows the two together. I hope you like looking at pictures as I have a few to show lol.
This next picture shows the 6x6 card and for this one I have used a mixture of papers from my stash, the image is Sugar Nellie coloured with watercolour pencils and Sansodor. 
I have added flowers from Wild Orchid the leaves and butterflies are punched from MS punches.
I have also added lace and a flower charm.

Now onto my 3x3 cards project I have never made this size before but wanted to give it ago, I have a tutorial for a little gift box that is perfect for these little ones.
I was delving into my stamp collection, again, and found my Judikins Kew Gardens Cube stamp which I have never used, I also found the Judikins Postage Frame Stamp which is compatible with the cubes. All have been inked using Momento Black Tuxedo ink pad.
I then coloured them with watercolour pencils and Sansodor I cut them out and placed onto the little mini cards.
I have several Cubes and will be giving them all an ink up and make a complete set I think this will make a nice little gift for someone.
I hope you have found a little inspiration in my projects but for more please visit the other DTM their names are in my side bar.
I am so looking forward to seeing what you create for out theme this month.
Big hugs see you later.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

Chi Chi Challenge #9

Morning all it is going to be a busy and exciting day today so please keep tuned lol.
This will be my first of three posts today so please check them out.

It is a new Sketch challenge at Chi Chi Memories and we would love you to join us if you would like to use a Chi Chi image you can get them from HERE there is also a freebie available to use.
This is the sketch
and here is my card
I have used the little girl from Sunny Days Set which I thought quite appropriate with the weather we are having at the moment.
I have coloured her with promarkers and chose an orange and green colour theme, I would like to know what you think of it, as I wanted something a little different.
The papers are SU the punched papers at the bottom are from Papermania I have also used green card the middle strip I embossed small squares using my Hougie board.
I cut the image with my scalloped Nestie then mounted onto a doily which I distressed using chalks, I also added quite a few iridescent coloured gems and a few orange flowers.
I hope you like it and please join us.
Big hugs see you later.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

30 Jun 2010

Gracie's Roses

Hi all today I am showing you a card that I made the early hours of this morning using a beautiful Digi image from Whimsy Stamps.  I am entering this into the following challenges:

I have coloured Gracie with a mixture of Copics and promarkers, the papers are from my stash I have added some flowers, lace, sentiment, butterflies, gems and pearls.
These are a closer look.
I hope you like it, hugs to all and see you later.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot, Whimsy Stamps and Whoopsie Daisy.

29 Jun 2010

Whimsy Digital Stamps - Sneak Peek No 2

Hi all this is my second sneak peek of the card that I will be showing in full on Thursday 1st July, the day of our blog hop at Whimsy Stamps.  The DT will be showing off their cards using the new Digital Releases that will be available from Thursday so I do hope you will join us for a chance to win some fabulous images.
I am hoping you are liking the look of my card and will tune in on Thursday for the Full Monty lol.
Hugs to all

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot and Whoopsie Daisy.

Digital Tuesday Challenge #65

Hi all it's time for another challenge at Digital Tuesday and this week Ellie has chosen the theme
Digital Oasis is our sponsor this week.
Here is my DT Card
For my card I have used a Precious Moments surfboard image coloured with promarkers I cut him out and attached him to the card with silicone glue.  The papers are a mixture the background image is a beach scene from Crafty Ann's Digi Shop I used my MCS graphics programme for the colours and sentiment I also added some card candy and diamond stickles to the umbrella shade. 
I hope you like it and please come join us for our Summertime challenge.
Can I also recommend visiting the other DT blogs their work is fabulous.
I am also entering this into the following challenges:

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot and Whoopsie Daisy.

28 Jun 2010

Whimsy Digital Stamps - Sneak Peek

Hi all I thought you might like a sneak peek of one of the new Digital Stamps that will be released on July 1st when we will also be having a Blog Hop to celebrate these new gorgeous stamps.
I will be doing another sneak peek before the hop just to whet your appetite lol.
They say that the eyes are windows of the soul, don't you think these say so much.
I hope you will keep tuned for my other sneak peek and my first début card for Whimsy Digital Stamps.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot and Whoopsie Daisy.

27 Jun 2010

OSAAT #19 DT Card

Hi all this is one exciting day as this is my début DT card for One Stitch At A Time, I am so thrilled to be part of this wonderful team.
This week our theme is Stars and Stripes but as you can see from my card it can be any card or project showing stars and stripes in any colour or form like use ribbon as the stripes, punched out stars or maybe a moonlit night on the beach lol.........just let your imagination take over.
The winner of this weeks challenge will receive 3 images of their choice from Stitchy Bears.

I found these papers after rooting around in my stash I printed these off some time ago but I think the small star background is Bearlymine.
I have followed the sketch at Tuesday Morning Sketches for my card I have so wanted to join in this challenge for so long and this was my chance.
I have used an image called Emily by Lil Diva she reminds me of myself when I was younger and a bit of a tom boy, I was always playing cowboys and Indians with my mums sweeping brush as my horse lol...but then what can you expect being brought up in a house with five brothers lol...well that's my excuse anyway.
I have coloured Emily with promarkers added some star gems, card candy, flowers and sentiment.
I am also entering the following challenges:

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot and Whoopsie Daisy.

Corrosive Challenge GDT Card

Morning all today is the start of a new challenge at Corrosive Challenges and this is my last GDT card for them.  I have so enjoyed being their GDT for the month of June and I am sure the next GDT will enjoy it as much as I have.
The theme this week is Use Lots of Flowers which is not going to be to difficult as I know how much flowers bought or handmade mean to us lol.
Here is my card which I hope will give a little inspiration to you.
I have used an 8x8 white card base the digi image which, I am sure you will love, is called Poppy and is a new digi image available from Funky Kits.
The red and grey bp I created myself with the use of MCS graphics programme, a couple of weeks ago my Oriental Poppies were in full bloom, last year I had about two, this year I had over fourteen stems and they were a beautiful sight so I took some photos.  I reduced the photo then tiered it into the bp, the mirror card has been embossed with the butterfly embossing folder I added some ribbon, flowers and the 'poppy' word is a stamp from Joanna Sheen's Poppy Fairy collection.  The image I coloured with promarkers.
Here is a closer look at Poppy.
My friend who pops in for a cuppa said it looked like a
I also used the field of sky stamp around the image which I think looks like poppy seeds.
I am also entering this into the following challenges:

Hugs to all and please stop by later to see my début card for OSAAT.

DT member for Chi Chi Memories, Digital Tuesday, Crafty Ann's Challenge Blog,Fairy Knoll,One Stitch At A Time, One Stop Craft, Sew Many Challenges, Sir Stampalot and Whoopsie Daisy.

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I was published May Issue 2014
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