Well I have started to change and personalise this blog to my liking and I love it, the versatility of the blogger is much more exciting than my other blog which is http;//coldwaters.wordpress.com if you would like to visit. I have become used to my old blog the layout etc but I have a lot to explore on this system. Please be patient with me while I continue to have a play. I have added my first picture just as a 'test' run. Hopefully I can add my slide show later.
Hi Lorraine,
Sorry I sent you the message on your wordpress blog. I forgot to change the address on my side bar. What I do is right click the image and select 'save as'. You can then save it to your pc and upload it as you would your cards. On this one there is some text to copy so just select the text, right click and copy. This will hold until you paste it where you want it.Don't worry if you can't get it on. I'm sure you'll get some more in the future by when you'll have got to grips with it all. When I started my blog I didn't have a clue about anything - hyperlinks? I had no idea but it comes with practice. (I should delete this rather than everyone being party to my ramblings.) If you need any more help get in touch and I'll try to help.
Beryl xx
Lovely card Lorraine and I'm loving the new blog!
Ann x
Such a great card Lorraine and the new blog looks fabulous, well done!
I must add your new blog to my list now and become a follower!
A lovely card Lorraine, and I love your new look Blog.
I have to get around to starting one of my own!!, maybe in the New Year.
Christine xxx
Hi Lorraine,
There's an award on my blog that I'd like to share with you. It's very pretty and I'd love you to have it.
Beryl xx
lorraine, think i have sent you comment
Christine xx
Lorraine, I just love your cards and your new blog looks cool too. Hugs Rita xx
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