I am so lucky to have been passed these beautiful awards but I have been so naughty and have not posted them before now. Unfortunately I am not functioning on full throttle at the moment due to my depression but I am so delighted to have these in my possession that I would be failing in my duty as a friend and blogger if I did not show them off and pass them on.
The first award at the top has been passed to me by fellow friend and blogger Shirley aka Nannieflash and isn't it a delight, now with this one (which is a friendship award) you are supposed to reveal five secrets about yourself...well I think I have told all the secrets that I want you to know but must keep some to myself or you will never have anything new to find out in the future..will you lol. But I would love to pass this on to the following bloggers
Although I have chosen five I class you all as my friends and you all mean so much to me please never forget that.
Ok the Second award you see is also a beauty and is called 'Eye Love Your Style' and this was given to me by fellow Kaboodle Doodles DT member Susan.
I would like to pass this onto the following five friends/bloggers
Awards 3 and 4 I have received many times before but they are still precious to me and would like any of my followers to take these (if you haven't got them already) and show them on your blog. I reiterate my previous words that I class you all as my friends and an eternal font of inspiration you all help me so much with my illness and my crafting. Hugs to all and take care.
A proud member of the Lime Light click over to see what we are doing.