My Lovely Supporters

7 Nov 2012


Hi all today we have a new challenge for you to try out at
the theme is
Our sponsors are the lovely 
Veronica and Pedro 
Here is my DT card using my all time favourite image
a Lil Bit Grumpy.
I have coloured her with promarkers, I cut her out and adhered her with silicone glue.  I have used my new 6x6 grand spot embossing folder on the base green card, I then used my new Cheery Lynn square die cut which has also been embossed, finally I added some pearls, flowers and butterfly.
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:
I do hope that you will come join us this week at The Paper Shelter we would love to see you all.
I have started visiting all my blogging friends and I am so happy to see all your beautiful creations, I still have more to visit and see but I will be around later
This afternoon I am taking little Jess to the Vets to be checked out and wormed. She is a little darling and settling down nicely, she is a feisty little girl who seems to be afraid of very little, lol.
She does love to lie by me on the sofa while I am on the computer and at this moment she is asleep.
Once again many thanks for all you wonderful messages.
love & hugs to all.

6 Nov 2012


Hi all, today the theme for our challenge at
The sponsor is our own lovely Donna of
Here is my DT project using papers from the new
Christmas Traditions set
I have made not only a card but my first ever cracker, I made it using the Hougie Board, I added organza bows and a matching Kanban image as used on the card.  For the card I have used silver textured mirri card the circles I cut using my X-Cut circle cutter, I added some sequins and a green flower bow, the embellishment in the centre is an earring that was given to me by someone who was disposing of them I knew they would come in useful, finally I added a Kanban sentiment.

I would like to enter my project into the following challenges:
Many thanks for visiting I do hope that you will come and join us this week at Bearly Mine Challenges.
Love & hugs
lorraine xxxx

5 Nov 2012


Hi all, I am a tad late with posting my DT card so big apologies.
The challenge this week at
Here is mine using the image from sheet no; 376 
I have used promarkers to colour this beautiful image, the colours are my all time favourite, Pink and Brown, the papers are from Bearly Mine Designs (link in sidebar).
I have used gold textured mirri card to mount the papers and image onto, I used a SU punch down the side of one of the card and a corner punch to round off the corners.  I have added pearls and a ribbon/flower embellishment.  The ribbon I tied myself and teased it into a rosette style flower, I added a large pink flower for the centre topped with a gold punched circle and pearl.
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:

Before I go I just have to say how overwhelmed I am with all the awesome comments that I have received for both the loss of my beloved Polo and the arrival of tiny Jess.
I have shed so many tears reading them all plus the wonderful e-cards and e-mails.  I will never be able to tell you how much you all mean to me, the support, friendship, kindness and encouragement have made me feel full of love and hope.
I want to reply to you all which will take time so I just wanted to let you know that I have not ignored you but my eyes are quite sore and red with all the tears that I have shed.
I love you all you are all very special to me, Polo and Little Jess.

4 Nov 2012


Hi all, today I would like you all to meet my new little baby Jessie.
My son bought this little lady home to me yesterday, she is an 8 week old Jack Russell, she is soooooo tiny.  She has more markings than my darling Polo had but she does have a black spot on her tail/bum just like my beloved Po.

I have given her my Steiff Bear to keep her company in her dog bed until I can get more stuff for her.
My mum has fallen in love with her and spends a lot of time holding her while she sleeps, it is a good job that mum only comes to stay at weekends or I think Jess would think that it is my mum who is her new owner, lol.
I have been grieving for my darling Po so much and I believe a part of me died inside when he had to leave me.
I know that Jess will be spoilt rotten and receive so much love that it will be tumbling over her.
Once again I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful comments they have really helped me so much.
I am hoping to start blogging again later today and will be taking time to visit you all, until then have a lovely weekend.

I was published May Issue 2014

I was published May Issue 2014
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