I am slowly going through the numerous e-mails I have received and I thank you so much for your lovely comments and kind concern. I have to make apologies for not meeting my DT commitments as I have been unable to make any cards for posting.
I think I am still in a state of shock although nothing like the evening that the accident happened and I just thank the Lord that I did not suffer any broken bones. I have felt at a loss this last week not being able to communicate with all my friends so my depression has been having a field day and at this moment in time all I want to do is cry. However, reading your lovely comments has helped me so much I am so grateful for you all.
I will be back shortly as I think I have several things to post but I think I need to take it slowly. I apologise with all my heart for not being able to catch up on all the lovely work I have missed but I will be paying a visit to you all and will probably be on here until the early hours. I am sending my love and big hugs to you all.
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