My Lovely Supporters

15 Jan 2022


 Hi all, today is the first time in awhile that I have had the inclination to post on my page.
It is with a deep sadness that I am posting about the loss of my beloved, wonderful, beautiful mum who passed away on 10th January at the age of 102 yrs .
She had her wish that she died at home in her own bed my brother and I made sure of that.
My heart has been broken and I feel so much sadness that it hurts, I know that many of you will have felt the same at some time.
My DT mates have been wonderful and so very understanding Brenda in particular has been ACE.

I am taking a break from my DT duties for this month but I know my mum would want me to continue with making my cards she was the recipient of many of them and loved them, I will endeavor to return to Blogger and Social Media probably at the beginning of February.
Details are still being made for her funeral and my brother and I have a lot of heart wrenching work ahead of us but I know my mum will be close by.
Hugs to all and stay safe
Lorraine aka Lolo

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I was published May Issue 2014
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