My Lovely Supporters

14 Dec 2008

Hi December 14th

Hi everyone

Just managed to suss out how to put a slideshow on my new blog, I hope you like it. It has taken me quite a while but worth it ....I think. It is a selection of cards that I have shown over the last several months the reason being I haven't been updating my photobucket account so I have used a selection of what I had. I am determined to scan some new cards in and update the slideshow on a regular basis.

I am sorry for not posting but I have not been well and could not get motivated to post. I am sure people will get fed up with me as I feel I am forever saying I am not well or I am having a bout of my depression again. I do so want to say I feel great......

I have been viewing the JS forum on a daily basis to keep up to date with what is happening ad have been so impressed with the cards that are being created, they are all so beautiful.

One of my dear friends from the forum has just created a blog and I am sure will soon have a whole host of followers. Christine's new blog is in my blog links, ladylace, visit and have a look.

Well I will now leave you to Father Christmas and if I don't manage to post again before the day I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Lorraine x


Ann Whitfield said...

Good to see you posting Lorraine and I hope you'll feel up to posting again soon - very impressed with the slide show by the way
Ann x

Christine said...

So glad you are back posting Lorraine and thanks for adding my blog to your link. I am pleased that you managed to sort out your slide show, I have to do the same.
Please keep posting on here because with your help my blog wouldn't have been possible.

Love & Hugs
Christine xx

Chrissie said...

How lovely to see you back posting again Lorraine and I just ADORE your slideshow! (may have to steal your idea if I can work out how to do it!)
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I look forward to seeing some more of your wonderful creations.

PixieHouse Creations said...

Hi lorraine,dont worry about saying your poorly etc,we all have our illnesses hunny,Im always bad with my back n hips,good to see you psting again,look forward to seeing more
Love your slid show,even ive not been clever enough to put that on my blog lol
Happy Christmas hunni hope its a good one
love wendy(pixiehouseon js forum~)

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