My Lovely Supporters

8 Sept 2016


Good morning all, a very big thank you for the lovely comments on my last post, my mum is still in hospital but is getting better each day, She is receiving physiotherapy to get her to walk, the machines she is hooked up to are doing their job we just have to wait and hear from the doctors when she can come home.

I have just started a new crochet project that I hope to show you when finished, I am watching quite a few video tutorials and hope to try something a little different to my last makes.

Now onto my card featuring one of my beloved Tilda stamps, I have coloured her with Copics, the die cuts are a mixture of Sweet Dixie and Tattered Lace, the papers are Pion from Live and Love Crafts, I have seen them used many times and treated myself to a few.
I have also added pink lace, pink rhinestones, liquid pearls, sentiment, resin embellishment, punched butterflies and a mixture of flowers to which I added some crystal glitter.

I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:

I hope that you like my card and thank you so much for visiting, I will be seeing you shortly.
lorraine x

4 Sept 2016


Good morning all I hope that you are enjoying the weekend.

I omitted to tell you in my last post that one of the reasons I am not about or doing much crafting is that my mum's health has not been too good, she was taken into hospital last Wednesday and seems to be improving, I am off to visit with her this afternoon, hopefully she will be home with us again soon.

I have finally decided to post this card that I made sometime ago but never blogged, the image is a digi by Elisabeth Bell, the papers are from my stash, I have used both die cuts and punches, pearls and a stamped gold embossed sentiment.
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges:

My second piece of news is that my son James and his girlfriend are having a baby, it is due in Feb 2017, I will be a Nan, how wonderful is that.  Once I heard the news I felt that I needed to resurrect my crochet tools and have ago at making some baby stuff, so far I have made several hats, including one with bunny ears, baby jackets, pants and mittens, apart from the hats I have never done anything like this before but I am more than pleased with the outcome.

Many, many thanks for taking time out to visit one very hit and miss blogger, I am hoping that maybe one day soon I will find my creativity and love of crafting again, I am very much enjoying seeing all your beautiful creations, you are all such a big inspiration to me and have influenced my crafting over the years, you are all so kind and supportive, thank you so much.

I was published May Issue 2014

I was published May Issue 2014
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 To all my blogging buddies and friends some of you may know that I have been struggling for quite awhile  with my crafting so I have finall...

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