My Lovely Supporters

25 Feb 2024


 Hi today I have a card that I made featuring another Tiddly Inks digital image, I coloured her with Graphic and Spectrum Noir markers I found the big pink heart while looking through some boxes I added some AB gems and a stamped sentiment the pink base layer is non shred glitter card so there is also sparkle going on. 

I would like to enter my card into the challenges at
Many thanks for popping by
lolo x


Dotty Jo said...

Always love Tiddly Inks! Such a sweet card, Jo x

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

A beautiful heart die showing off a delightful image Lolo, Love it's so girly. x

crafty-stamper said...

Gorgeous card and image-beautifully coloured and love the large die-cut heart.
Carol x

brenda said...

Very feminine and girly Lorraine and the hair is coloured to perfection.

B x

Chris said...

It's lovely that you're using some of the older images that tend to be forgotten as we pursue pastures new! This one is so sweet and, as always, your design is beautiful.
xx said...

It's a sweety Lorraine, love the sparkling stones and you've colored that girl beautiful.
Greetings Miranda

Liz said...

Super card Lorraine, such a sweet design.
Liz xx

Chrissy said...

Adorable little girl and fabulous colouring Lorraine, love your doily heart, what a beauty and the scattering of gems, gorgeous card..


Vicky Hayes said...

That lacy heart makes a lovely background for your little dancer Lorraine! I bet this card is even more sparkly in real life! Vicky x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

How sweet! That heart is delightful and love that cute little girl with the string of hearts! Always admire how you colour the hair, I had to improve my skills!

Margreet said...

Beautiful heart on the background and a lovely digi with great coloring.
xxx Margreet

HilaryJane said...

Great image and I do love that die cut heart xx

Bernadet said...

What a sweet card is this Lorraine!
Love the digi wich you colored awesome

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautifulllllllll karin

*Vicki* said...

I adore your sweet image so much! I love that gorgeous heart doily behind her as well! Beautiful coloring and such a sweet card! I'm using one of these images tomorrow on my blog! Thanks for your lovely inspiration friend!

Linby said...

The big pink heart is perfect to showcase this delightful image.

Lisa said...

Love this really sweet image. Great colors too.

Cazro said...

Your card is so sweet, I'm loving the String of Hearts. Thanks for joining in our challenge, at Alphabet Challenges Caz. DT

I was published May Issue 2014

I was published May Issue 2014
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