My Lovely Supporters

15 Sept 2024


 To all my blogging buddies and friends some of you may know that I have been struggling for quite awhile  with my crafting so I have finally decided to take a break with the hope of renewing my love of creativity.

 I know that many of you will understand my decision my DT's have been very understanding and kind and I hope to return as soon as I feel I can produce something that I hope will not only please my followers but myself as well.


Lolo x


brenda said...

As you already know, I totally understand and respect your need to take a break Lorraine. I really do hope you desire to create more lovely cards returns soon, meantime take care of you and keep in touch.

B x

crafty-stamper said...

I do understand your decision Lorraine and you must do what you feel is best. You will definitely be missed with your gorgeous cards. Take care and hope you are back with us soon.
Carol x x x said...

He Lorraine, sorry to hear about your struggling with your creativity. I hope you will find it back again. Take care.
Greetings Miranda

Chris said...

Sorry to read this Lorraine, I hope you soon feel better and regain your love of crafting. You and your beautiful creations will be missed. Take care of yourself. Hugs xxx

Margreet said...

Sorry to read this Lorraine. But you are right that crafting must please yourself and not only your followers. Take care my friend and see you later in blogland.
xxx Margreet

Carol L said...

I've been on the fence myself with blogging lately and have contemplated taking a break for a while, so I do understand your decision. Just look after yourself and do what you feel like doing and you'll know when the time's right to blog again. Take care in the mean time - I'll miss you :)

Chrissy said...

Bless you Lorraine, have a good break do a bit of shopping, get some rest and see you back soonish..take care..


Liz said...

Take care, Lorraine. xx

Jane Savage said...

Big hugs, Lorraine! Sometimes we all need a break! Hope to see you soon! xx

EmmaT said...

Sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs. Hopefully taking time out for yourself you will rekindle your love of crafting. Emmaxx

Pat said...

So sorry you have not been able to get back to enjoying crafting and I hope a break will give you some time to relax and hopefully it won’t be too long before you are feeling better. Take care.

Pat xx

HilaryJane said...

Take all the time you need. There is no point struggling on trying to craft if it is not bringing you joy. Hope you feel better soon xx

KraftyKoolKat said...

So sorry sweetie that you are suffering like this. I am here if you need to talk. Come back only when you are ready.

Sarn said...

Hi Lorraine . . . sorry to hear this . . . but understand your decision. You have to do what's right for you. Enjoy the rest/break and I hope to see you again when you feel the time is right. Take care.
Hugs, Sarn xxx

Gail L said...

Look after yourself Lorraine.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

You know I have had to sit back a bit too, so know how you feel. You're in my thoughts and prayers. x

*Vicki* said...

Hello my friend, I just returned from a short break and here you're taking a break and I'm sorry I've missed your posts! I totally understand and sometimes it's good to take a step back, but you will be missed my friend! You already are! HUGS

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