My Lovely Supporters

19 Aug 2022


 Hi today I have a card to share and enter into some challenges
I have used a digital image from Mo Manning I think this one is called Sintra I have had it for some years and decided to print it off and colour it up.  I LOVE ALL animals but cats and dogs are higher on the list I watch a lot of online videos of animals mainly cats and dogs they are so cute and so intelligent.
I have used a mix of markers the card and paper are from my stash I added some black wool as a frame and multi bow, and I finished up with adding some Nuvo drops
I would like to enter my card into the following challenges.

Many thanks for popping by 
Lorraine x


crafty-stamper said...

Absolutely gorgeous image Lorraine and love how you framed the image with the wool-brilliant idea
Carol x

cotnob said...

A super card Lorraine, an adorable image and I love the wool frame you have created - a great idea.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

brenda said...

Isn't that a super Cat image Lorraine, a really lovely creation.

B x

KarinsArtScrap said...

sweet and beautiful card Lorraine

gr karin

Margreet said...

Beautiful card, Lorraine. Great coloring as always, lovely bow and pretty DP.
xxx Margreet

Chris said...

Gorgeous card Lorraine- love the image! A great layout and paper choice, the lime green and black work beautifully together.
Have a lovely weekend

*Vicki* said...

Mo has some really cool images and this one is absolutely stunning! Loving the colors and your clever use of the black yarn too! Brilliantly done my friend!

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is really gorgeous and cute. I love the colour palette you have used.

Lee said...

sooo beautiful,I love moggies.xx

Chrissy said...

Your little cat is so very cute and I love the wool trail in your design....


Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! I love how you have put this together Lorraine, the image is just perfect, and I love the wool as a frame.
Faith x

Helen said...

So cute and what a great idea to use the wool as a frame.

Thanks for joining us at the Critter Crazy Challenge.

Helen x

Brenda said...

This is such a fun image, Lorraine! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful card with us over at As You Like It Challenge!

I was published May Issue 2014

I was published May Issue 2014
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