My Lovely Supporters

4 Nov 2012


Hi all, today I would like you all to meet my new little baby Jessie.
My son bought this little lady home to me yesterday, she is an 8 week old Jack Russell, she is soooooo tiny.  She has more markings than my darling Polo had but she does have a black spot on her tail/bum just like my beloved Po.

I have given her my Steiff Bear to keep her company in her dog bed until I can get more stuff for her.
My mum has fallen in love with her and spends a lot of time holding her while she sleeps, it is a good job that mum only comes to stay at weekends or I think Jess would think that it is my mum who is her new owner, lol.
I have been grieving for my darling Po so much and I believe a part of me died inside when he had to leave me.
I know that Jess will be spoilt rotten and receive so much love that it will be tumbling over her.
Once again I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful comments they have really helped me so much.
I am hoping to start blogging again later today and will be taking time to visit you all, until then have a lovely weekend.


Clare said...

OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! what a beautiful baby girl Lorraine!!!! she is sooooo teeny tiny!!!. Oh I am so chuffed for you Honey. I have not wanted to ask you whether you will get another dog as I know that you are desperately grieving for your beloved Polo. Jess will never replace him but instead will fill that part of your heart that is feeling so empty. Polo will always be there in your memories and you will never ever forget him. What a darling son you have. So happy for you my friend. Love and big hugs Clare xxxx

Doreen said...

She is beautiful

Carissa said...

So sweet. I had a little chuckle when I saw the pic with the bed. Makes you realize just how tiny she is. Enjoy your new friend!
Hugs, Carissa

Unknown said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhh she is adorable and such a lovely name, i am sure she will help you with the pain of losing Po.
Chris x

eiyiyi said...

Oh Lorraine, she is just beautiful and sooooo tiny. You don't realize it till you see her in her bed! Polo would be pleased to know that you have her to keep you company. Have you ever read A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron? If not, this would be the perfect time to read it. You'll shed many a tear but it's wonderful and very special. Once you've read it you'll understand perfectly why I recommended it. Love you new puppy. Good health to her and to you. love, eileen

Daisychain said...

Lorraine she is such a little darling of course she is going to be spoilt rotten, and quite right too. Hope to see lots more piccies of her. Hugs Christine x

NancyD said...

Oh, Lorraine, she is so cute. I can't believe how big that bed is compared to this new little one. I know she won't replace what you had with Po but she should be able to capture a different part of your heart over the coming years. NancyD

Jac’s Playground said...

Oh my Lorraine she is soooooooo adorable and cute, I am so looking forward to watching her grow and hear about all her antics, take car xx

Rita said...

What a little darling Lorraine. I'm sure in time she will be your constant companion just like Po was. She certainly looks very settled already. What a lovely thoughtful son you have too. Hugs Rita xx

Caroline said...

He's adorable what a cutie. Caroline xxx

Sue said...

AWWWWWWWWW, Jessie looks adorable Lorraine. I feel sure she is going to be getting lots of love and cuddles from everyone. A real bundle of joy for you.
Hugs Sue

Cards By MI said...

Oh my! Such little sweetheart she is. I was so sad when I heard your news from Shirley. It's hard to loose a dear old friend. This little one will help you move forward on a different path than you had with Po.
Tons of love and hugs

Unknown said...

Fabulous news Lorraine. Best thing you could have done (or rather your son could have done - go James!!) She is A-Dor-able Lorraine and she will be soooo happy with you hunni. May you have many happy days ahead and think of Polo with happy memories not sad ones!
big hugs
Dawn xxx

Dazie said...

Congratulations on your very very cute little bundle cuteness. I cant believe how small she is!

I hope she brings you lots of happiness which i am sure she will!

Dazie said...

Congratulations on your very very cute little bundle cuteness. I cant believe how small she is!

I hope she brings you lots of happiness which i am sure she will!

brenda said...

Jessie looks adorable Lorraine and hard as I know it still is, she will help you come to terms with your loss.

Sening you and Jessie love of love and cuddles.

B x

May said...

Hi Lorraine, Little Jessie is adorable... your lovely son is very thoughtful... Jessie wont replace Po, but I am sure your heart is big enough for both of them... Po had a wonderful love filled life & little Jessie will have one also I'm sure... When I have lost a pet and my family have bought me another I look at this way if it helps!! that I gave a good life to my beloved pet who died, But I can make a difference to another little furry life as there so many pets without warmth & food...Jessie will help to repair your heart Lorraine... Big Hugs May x x x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Oh Lorraine shes such a sweetie, Im sure she will bring you many years of joy. I now cant imagine life without a Woofy companion so cant imaging how hard things have been for you with Polo going to heaven, Sending big Hugs and Belle sends Woofy Licks too, Love Hazelxo

Lisa said...

Awww she's adorable :-) Time is a great healer and even though Polo can never be replaced I am sure Jessie will help you get over losing him. He had a wonderful life with you as I know Jessie will too :-)

Lisa x

Lau W said...

Oh she's so adorable ! Welcome to your little Jessie, she will be happy in your home, and you will be happy with her, sure !! :-)

dutchess said...

oh what a sweetie....don't you just want to hug and hug her....hope she brings you solice and joy......hugs Margaret xxxxx

Misty's said...

Hi Lorraine
Oh WOW, what a sweet little darling Jess is. I hope Jess takes the edge of your heartache and brings as much happy memories as your beloved Po did.
Michaela xx

Pat said...

Oh Lorraine she is so gorgeous, so tiny looking at her in her basket. I am sure she will be spoilt and also sure that you two are going to be such great friends. Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Pat xx

sue w. said...

Awwww Lorraine, I'm so pleased you have a beautuful new puppy to love and cherish. She can't replace your wonderful Po but she will ease the pain, and she is absolutely gorgeous. She has certainly fallen on her feet lol coming to you.
Must be your very lucky week hun, you have won one of my candy stamps yeah! Just let me have your email so I can get your address and post it to you.
Hugs Sue W.

Jayne A said...

She's just so cute and so tiny. I think that I would cuddle her all day too.


Danni said...

So very sweet and just precious!!

Chrissy said...

Oh! Lorraine, she is just gorgeous and so tiny in her big bed..those little button eyes, how cute, she will bring happness back into your heart for sure..


Lucy Edmondson said...

She is so adorable! I do hope she will help to heal your pain,

Lucy x

Daniele said...

awwww such a sweet pup, I really feel for Lorraine, I still think about my dogs that I have lost over the years and two of them very dear to me, I'm sure your new pup will fill a void but your Polo will always be in your heart
hugs xx

coops said...

aw she is gorgeous lorraine and i i am sure she is going to be spoilt.

xx coops xx

Lorraine said...

Oh she looks so cute! What a sweetie!
Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

She's just beautiful, so glad you have a new friend to love, Hope you are feeling back to yourself soon, take care
Hugs Julie P

KraftyKoolKat said...

Oh I am so pleased for your sweetie. She looks gorgeous. I know she will never replace Polo in your heart but she is along side. Hoping you have lots of fun growing together.

Big Hugs

Merry said...

Oh how cute.....and tiny. Made me smile when I saw the photo of her in what seems like a huge bed.

Eileen said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww Lorraine she is beautiful. Such a cute little face. A new puppy is a great way of healing after loosing a much treasured friend. She will keep you so busy you won't have time to think.
Hope you have as many happy years with her as you did with Po
Eileen x

Margreet said...

Ohh Lorraine, Jess is sooo adorable...lucky for you I don't live in your you enjoy each other a lot!
xxx Margreet

Linda said...

Oh I am so happy for you. That is just what you needed. What a sweet son. I am sure Po would be so happy you are giving a good home to another puppy and that he will make your heart smile again.
Thanks for sharing.

Nannieflash said...

Oh Lorraine your photos of Jess are stunning shes such a little sweetheart, I know shes going to be spoilt, fancy giving her your Steiff bear, I get cheap toys from the Charity shop for out little one, shes such a sweetie, I hope shes becoming for settled now. Take care hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Jess is just a total cute darling , I was so sorry to hear about Polo and do hope your new baby starts to ease the pain alittle.
Hugs to you all and your son for his kindness. janex

Nikbee said...

Jessie is gorgeous. She looks so tiny in her bed.
Nikki x


Hi Lorraine
She is beautiful and love the name Jess
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Sandy said...

Oh look at those tiny pink feet! Oh look at those sweet little eyes and oh my look how little he is in his very big bed. I think he needs his own bankie. His little teddy weighs more than he does. I know this baby will be loved so very much. I am so sorry about Po but I know you have a lot of love to give and this little Jessie will receive that love gratefully!!

cotnob said...

Jessie is gorgeous Lorraine, we always had a Jack Russell when I was growing up and my husband and I have promised ourselves one when he retires. She will never replace what you had with Po but she will bring you new happy memories, she is certainly a lucky puppy to come and live with you.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Polo Lorraine *big hugs to you* Nothing can ever replace a pet, but one thing that is great is our hearts are always big enough for more love! and I can see little Jess is definitely going to be loved greatly and very spoilt!

Take Care Lorraine!

Betka said...

What a sweetie! :))
Hugs (:Betka:)

Shelby said...

Congratulations on your new family member. I hope Jessie brings as much love and joy into your lives as Polo!


Chrissie said...

Hi Lorraine, I was so sorry to read of your sad news about Polo.
Jessie is so beautiful, I hope she will help to mend your heart sweetie.
Thinking of you,
Chrissie xx

Lynne in NI said...

OMGosh Lorriane, little Jess is an absolute sweetie!! Polo will always have a very special place in your heart, but I'm so delighted for you that Jess has brought back your smiles. Have lots of fun together! :)

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