My Lovely Supporters

29 Oct 2012


I am sorry I have not been around this last week but my little Po was put to sleep last Thursday.
We had been together for over 17 years, my heart is in pieces at the moment
I lost my Broadband connection the day Po left me, today Po came home, his ashes are in a beautiful wooden casket, my new router was delivered so I could get back on line to let you know.
The picture below is one of the last ones that I took of Polo
Polo Mr Handsome
I don't know how I am manage to write this as I am in tears, as I have been for the last week,  I just want to be with my Po.  
RIP my little darling I will love you for eternity.
10-06-1995 - 25-10-2012
Thank you all for your comments on my posts, once I feel a little better I will be visiting you all.


NancyD said...

Oh, Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear about Po. We have a little one too that I will be heartbroken when it is her time. Cherish all the good memories and Po will live in your heart forever. NancyD

Rita said...

Lorraine, I'm weeping with you after reading your post. I know how you feel as I felt like you 5 years ago now. Try and think of the beautiful memories left to you by Po. Nothing can take them away. Please take care of yourself too, as grief can be so bad. All my Love Rita xxx

Dawnll said...

Oh my goodness sweetie, I am so sad for you sweetie. I know your heart has to be broken.Sending you hugs and know Po is in a good place sweetie and watching over you now.
Take time for yourself and know I am here if you need to talk
Hugs and Love to you

Lisa said...

Oh Lorraine I am so sorry to hear this :-( Polo has been part of your family for the last 17 years so understandably it is going to take you some time to get used to him not being there.

Sending you love & hugs

Lisa x

Misty's said...

Hi Lorraine
OMG What a tragedy! I can imagine how you feel and writing this post to share with us was a nightmare! Your darling little Po is always going to be in your heart and never going to leave that place no matter what! Time is in most cases a great healer but it can never replace what we lost. I hope your lovely memories of your sweetheart will get you through the worst days and knowing he is in a good place keeping an eye on you will comfort you a bit. Sending you my deepest sympathy and hugs.
Michaela xx

brenda said...

Oh Lorraine, I am so, so sorry.

It's only a month since I lost my Buffy so I know totally how you feel, they leave a huge empty void. I too have her little box of ashes, sadly too many similar little boxes.

As I write the tears are straming, there are few words I can say other than sending you big hugs and love.

The hurt does ease with time and you must try and focus on the good times you had for seventeen wonderful years.

B x

Caroline said...

Hi Lorraine, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how your feeling as I lost my dog a few years ago, he had been with me for 18 years. I got him at the age of 15 when I lost my dad so he was my saviour in a way. It does get better and my heart goes out to you. BIGGEST OF HUGS. Caroline xxxx

Jac’s Playground said...

Oh Lorraine I am so very sorry to read your sad sad news, your love for Polo always shone out from your blog and your posts about him. Sending you huge cyber hugs and thinking of you, take care xxx

Lau W said...

Oh i'm so sorry for your loss. It's so difficult, i know that my friend...
I think you you, take care of yourself.

cebelica said...

Awwww, I'm so sorry about your loss hun. :( Sending big hugs your way! RIP Po. xx

Denise said...

Oh Lorraine - so sorry for your loss. Your post has bought tears to my eyes and I am feeling your heartbreak. It is sooo hard when our beloved pets have to leave us and I know no words are going to make you feel better at the moment, so just take your time and keep the lovely memories of little Po forever in your heart.
Biggest of Hugs
Denise xx

Unknown said...

Oh sweetie, I do know how you feel. My thoughts are with you and I meant every word of what I've already said to you.
Your memories will keep him alive in your heart.
Huge big cyber hugs
Dawn xxxx

Alli Devine said...

Lorraine so sorry to hear about your loss. Love and hugs Alli xx

carol said...

Aw..hugs to you, so sorry to here this, they always play a BIG part in the family, x carol

sue w. said...

Oh luvvy, I so feel for you, I know how sad you are feeling they are such a big part of our lives.
Sending you love and big hugs.
Sue W.

Love crafts forever said...

So sorry about your Friend. He will be true little angel for you. And i am sure he will be always around you in his spiritual life.
Sending you lots of Hugs.
Love Nat

eiyiyi said...

Dear Lorraine, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how deeply our hearts grieve for our pups. Please know that my heart and thoughts are with you in your sorrow. love, eileen

Audrey Ernst (hippieaud) said...

Oh Lorraine-

So sorry for your loss of your beloved little Po. I am a huge dog lover and I totally understand what you are going through and send you all my hugs and prayers. I hope each day gets easier for you sweetie. Take care and let me know if there's anything I can do.

Jan said...

Aw Lorraine how sad for you I had my dog Tessa 18 years and she will always be in my heart as Po will yours. Sending you big hugs xx Jan

Crafteezee said...

Oh Hun, I am so sorry you are going through this. I have only had my little Ollie for 16 months and am so surprised at how much I love him. I can only imagine the grief you are feeling right now. He was your family and you need to grieve.
Take care Hun, I will be thinking of you.
Big Hugs
Tracy x

Olga said...

Oh, dear, I'm so sorry! I know how it is. About 4 years ago we put to sleep our lovely wee girl who was 14 and she was old and ill.My prayers are for you.

Clare said...

OMG Lorraine I am so sorry my darlin to hear this heartbreaking news. I too am in tears for you as I know just how much Polo meant to you. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do hun. RIP little Polo you will be missed big time. Lots of love Clare xxx

Hazel (Didos) said...

Oh Lorraine, Im so sorry for your loss. Sending huge hugs your way, Love Hazelxox

Daisychain said...

I am so sorry to hear of your very sad loss Lorraine. Although it will take time, with each day the sadness will go further away until you are left with happy memories of Polo. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Big hugs, Christine x

Laney said...

So Sorry to hear your sad news Lorraine its so hard to let go , you have your precious memories of the good times and the wonderful companionship you had from Po
sending you a big hug

gina g said...

Aww Lorraine you poor thing i know what your going through we lost our dos tyson after 15 years and we still talk about him alot, then we lost our baby stitch a year ago last Wednesday we still have one fur baby scratch hubby wants to get another kitten but i'm not sure i can go though this it is so heart wrenching isn't it. I'll be thinking f you darling now take care. luv gina xx

Doreen said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear this awful news Lorraine,there is nothing more I can say.xxxx

Unknown said...

Oh Lorraine I am so sorry to hear this. Sending you big cyber hugs hon. Xx

Claire said...

Awwww such sad news Lorraine, sending you lots of love and gentle hugs my friend. I lost my darling Mia earlier this year so I know how hard it is. Time is a great healer as the old saying goes and your beautiful Polo will always be with you in your heart


Hi Lorraine
So sorry to hear about your little dog Po, sending you Big Hugs
Dianne xx :)

Pat said...

Oh Lorraine, I am so sad to read this, I do know how heartbreaking it is to lose a dog you have had for so long, unfortunately it comes to all of us who choose to have them. I do feel for you and hope that you are soon feeling a little better. Hugs.

Pat xx

Sue said...

Oh my goodness Lorraine I really am so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure that there are no words that I can say to make you feel better but just to let you know I am thinking of you.
Please take care and remember the happy times of which there were so many.
big hugs Sue

May said...

Dear Lorriane,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Po, you must be heartbroken sweetheart! It is so hard to deal with.. Po will always be in your heart, you both had 17 happy fun loving years together... Just remember the poem Rainbow bridge!! Take care Lorriane... we are all here for you when you need us.... Hugs May x x x

Stef H said...

oh lorraine! i am so so sorry. i know how much you loved PO and he knew it too. be thankful for all the wonderful memories you'll have forever.

wishing you peace.

hugs :)

karen said...

Oh Lorraine I am so sorry to be reading this. I know nothing I can say will ease the pain but time DOES and it will and then you will have so many wonderful memories! What a fantastic home he had with you, lots of love and tummy rubs and walkies! Sending you lots of hugs and RIP little Polo,Karenxxxx

Debs M said...

so sorry to hear this x x

Unknown said...

Lorraine I am in pieces for you, that was devastating news, poor wee man, thinking of you.
Chris x

Margreet said...

Feel so sorry for your loss Lorraine....Polo looks lovely on the wonder you will miss him after 17 years! Wish you all the best and take care!
Hugs, XXX Margreet

Andrea said...

Hello Lorraine
I'm so sorry to hear of your little dog - my heart goes out to you. Sending you big hugs.
Love, Andrea xx

Net said...

Aw I know just how you feel Lorraine. We lost two of our family pet members this year.

Carol said...

So sorry to read this Lorraine, 17 years was a very good age but you must all be devastated. Take care. Carol x

Danni said...

I'm so sorry! Hugest hugs!

Lorraine said...

Oh, Lorraine. I'm so, so sorry to read this hun. It's absolutely dreadful to lose a much loved pet. My heart goes out to you. xxx

dottielottie said...

Hi Lorraine,I popped onto your blog from the Bearly Mine Challenge blog to see if you posted what you used for the snowflake on your lovely card.Of course I saw your most recent post about losing your dear little dog Po, and I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you are feeling so bereft at losing your little companion, he looks a sweet little chap. I do know how you are feeling and that nothing can ease how much you are hurting just now.
Sometimes it just helps to know people care.
Lottie x

Julie said...

Lorraine: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. A pet is part of the family, and losing a family member is unimaginable pain. I pray that the pain will subside and you will be left with precious memories of your time together.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Po, hope you're feeling brighter again soon
Big Hugs Julie P

Chrissy said...

Oh! Lorraine, I am so sorry, it is so hard to loose one of our fur babies, they become part of our family, and I sympathise greatly...
Take care...


Linda said...

Oh I am sending you a big hug! I know how you feel. I lost Max last Spring as you know. Po was so lucky to have had you as a Mum and I am sure he is happy and running around like a puppy again. Take your time and feel your sadness but Po wouldn't want you to be sad for long.

Linnie said...

Lorraine i am so sorry....i do know the grief you are feeling as i have lost my doggie family after 16 years together.....try and be strong and you will feel better with are in my thoughts
luv and hugd

Laine Kammeraad said...

Oh Lorraine - I am so incredibly sorry to hear of your loss of your precious Polo. Our furry companions sure do dig their way deep into our hearts don't they? I know there aren't any words that will help mend your broken heart. I pray you will find some comfort in your memories of him as your healing process begins. He will always be in your heart and I wish there was more I could say to help ease your pain. My little furry Hercules is almost 13 years and his health declines more each day. I know I will be lost without him one day too and I just cry when I think about it. Take care of you Lorraine - and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. With hugs, Laine

Marjorie said...

Thinking about you hunnie...

Bettina L. said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear that Lorraine. Such adorable little friend you had there, I certainly can understand you not being around the last week. I can understand it is hard loosing your furry friend as you had him for so many years too. Sending you a big big hug. Bettina xx

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Lorraine I am so sorry, he was so cute and little dogs become your babies, my Hudson seems so old now and I dread losing mine. I am thinking of you and sending hugs down the internet.

debby4000 said...

Oh what sad news Lorraine, a big cyber hug to you.

coops said...

oh lorraine.i am so sorry, sending you lots of hugs.

xx coops xx

Nikbee said...

I am so very sorry to hear your news.
Big hugs,
Nikki x

Shelby said...

So sorry for your heartbreaking loss!


Daniele said...

Lorraine my heart goes out to you, pets fill our lives with so much love and leave such a big hole when they go,
my thoughts are with you
big hugs

Purple Crazy said...

Aww Lorraine so sorry to hear this sad news, I know exactly how you feel having lost our Sweep a couple of months ago, it's just so heartbreaking,
thinking of you and sending you big hugs Wendy xx

Unknown said...

Hi Lorraine , I am so sad to read about Polo I know how much he meant to you.
I am in tears reading your post .
Lorraine, things WILL get easier , I know , I lived on my own for 25 years and only shared my life with Tessy ( Bichon ) and Sweepy (Shitzui) who both passed at 15 years. Like you, I was devestated ,and I feel for you sweetie .
If you need anyone to chat to, my email is
Biggest hugs Elaine

Mary Lou said...

Oh dear Lorraine~~My heartfelt sympathies!! It is terrible when we lose a loved family member like Polo. About a year ago we put our 16 yr old dog to sleep and had him cremated and gave him a lovely home under the pine tree in the backyard and I do think of him daily when I look out my living room window :) Sending biggg hugz
Mary lou

KraftyKoolKat said...

Oh sweetie I am so sorry I have only just read this and my heart goes out to you. Nothing anyone can say will help I know. We have lost babies in the past and we still talk to their pictures like they are still with us.


Cumbrianlass said...

Lorraine, I know nothing we say will make you feel any better, just know we will all be thinking of you.
Big Hugs

Lynne in NI said...

Ohhhh Lorraine, I'm so sorry to hear about wee Polo. I know he hasn't been well recently, but I'm sure you are absolutely devastated.
Sending big hugs
Lynne x

Merry said...

Lorraine I am so sorry to hear this heart goes out to you and I send you loads of hugs. Take care.

Zoe Tant said...

So sorry for your loss Lorraine. It's unbelievable how painful it is to loose such a dear member of your family. I can sympathise with you. Your new puppy will make new memories for you and your special memories of times with Polo will help you through. Thinking of you. Zx

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