My Lovely Supporters

1 Dec 2012

my mum

This is James here to let you know that my mum is in a bad place at the moment she is very depressed and is crying a lot of the time, I think it is mainly because our dog Polo died.  I know that she loves her blogging but is not well enough to do anything at the moment.  I wanted to let you know just in case she does not feel better soon.


Caroline said...

Thanks James for letting us know, I hope she feels better soon, it's hard when a pet dies I should know I lost my dog a few years ago. Give her a big hug and take care all of you. Caroline xxx

Lisa said...

Hi James, I am so sorry to hear this. Please let your mum know I am thinking of her and hope things improve soon.

Sending love & hugs

Lisa x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Sending you huge Hugs Lorraine, Thinking of you Love Hazelxox

Jan said...

Aw James I hope she feels well again soon. Give her big hugs from me xx Jan

Brenda Brown said...

James please give your mum my very best wishes and I hope she will be feeling much better very soon. Thinking of you all.
Hugs Brenda xxx


Hi James
So sorry to hear about your mum ,hope she feels better soon and send her my love and to take care
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Laney said...

So Sorry to hear this James, please let her know I am thinking of her and wish her a speedy recovery
big hugs

Clare said...

Awww James thank you so much for letting us know hun. Please give your Mum my love. I know how hard things have been since the loss of Polo. I know how much your Mum loved him and can only imagine how hard it is to have lost him. I really hope that your Mum feels better soon and I am sure that with your love and support she will get through this. Much love Clare xxxx

Cards By MI said...

Sending warm and loving hugs. Thinking about you. I so know the feeling.
Love n hugs

Annemaritta said...

Hi Lorraine hun xxxx
So sorry to hear what has happened with your Polo. About being depressed and crying, my dear friend, I know it is a place no one wants to be, and how you are your worst judge :(

You'll come back with your smile and beautiful creations when you feel like it. We are here for you, I hope you know that. Only email or blog away.

Take care and you can be sure that you are in my prayers and want to send you support, warm hug and a hankie :)

Crafteezee said...

Hi James, your Mum would be proud of you for letting us all know. I hope Your Mum feels better soon. Take good care of her, she needs time, Polo was part of your family.
Hugs to you and your Mum.
Tracy x

Wendi said...

James give her a big hug from me and tell her I hope she feels better soon

Daisychain said...

Thank you James for letting us know about Lorraine. Please tell her to take as long as she needs as we will still be here when she is up to blogging again. Give her a big hug from me as well. Hugs Christine x

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that James, please let her know we're thinking of her and hope she's feeling better soon
Hugs Julie P

Doreen said...

Oh no....I do hope she gets better soon...please tell her Doreen is thinking of

Misty's said...

Hi James
Tell you Mum that I am thinking of her. I am in the same boat so to speak. My chronic pain is a killer all the time and with my depression I can cry a river every day. The tears are just unstoppable and the slightest thing can set me off, it does not even have to be the pain itself.
I hope some sunshine comes out for your Mum and the dark clouds leave forever.
Michaela xx

Claire said...

So sorry to hear that Lorraine is not too good at the moment. Hope she feels better soon and will start blogging again. Thanks for letting us know, please pass on my love and hugs. Hugs, Claire x

Eileen said...

Sending you huge hugs Shirley. I know what it's like to feel as you do now, but believe me it will get better.
My thoughts are with you. Hoping that you do start feeling better soon.
Luv and best wishes
Eileen x

Sue said...

Oh dear. I am so sorry to hear that Lorraine is feeling so low at the moment. I wish there was something I could do to help her through. All I can do is send my love and hugs to her and hope she feels better soon.
Thank you for letting us know James.
Take care
Hugs Sue

Rita said...

Hi James, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I've just came out of something similar, so I know how Mum must feel right now. Please tell her how important she is to the crafting community and I'm sending Hugs and dearly hope she gets better soon. Rita xxxx

Unknown said...

Oh James what a sweet thing to do. You go off right now and give your mum and huge big hug and a kiss from me. Tell her I'm thinking of her and that time will gently and slowly heal her hurt! She has my email address and I am here for her whenever she needs a shoulder to cry on!
Thanks for letting us all know James.
Dawn xxx

Jac’s Playground said...

Thanks for the update James, really appreciate you letting us all know. Please pass on to your mum that my thoughts are with her and we will all still be here to welcome her with open arms when she is ready. x

Chrissy said...

Oh! James, I'm so sorry your Mum is so down, that is so very does break our hearts when our fur babies pass on...just be there for Mum, tell her you love her, and that we love her too out here in blog land..


Linda said...

OH I am so sorry to read this. Your poor Mom. It is so hard when you have to deal with depression and then to add something like the death of a beloved pet.
Sending hugs, blessing and love, for a speedy recovery. Hugs,

Shelby said...

Thanks for letting us know James. Hope you begin to feel a little better soon Lorraine.


Love crafts forever said...

So sorry to hear that. James please give your Mum lot's of hugs, that's what she need. I hope she feel better very soon.
Hugs Nat

Dawnll said...

Keeping your Mum in my thoughts and prayers...maybe just a little time to grieve will help
Sending hugs

coops said...

oh james i am so sorry to read your post.please give your mum all my love and sending her lots of hugs.

xx coops xx

Unknown said...

Lorraine darlin, pull yourself together, being in a bad place is not good for you, trust me I know and it is wasted energy. Lay down and think of ten good things that have happened in your life in the last month or so, put your energy into those thoughts, and don't let anything change the beauty of those good things,hang on to those nice things tightly and think of your blogging buddies, missing you and love you....luv n hugs, aussie annie..xxxxxxxxx

Gibmiss said...

So sorry to hear your Mum is poorly..... Sylvie here from the CCC. Sending her lots of hugs ..... We are all thinking of her at this very sad time.....
Hugs Sylvie xxxxxxxxxxx

Gibmiss said...

So sorry to hear your Mum is poorly..... Sylvie here from the CCC. Sending her lots of hugs ..... We are all thinking of her at this very sad time.....
Hugs Sylvie xxxxxxxxxxx

nelliebly said...

Tell Mum thinking of her & thank you James for letting us know In friendship Nellie

sue w. said...

Hi James, thanks for letting us know about your mum. I am thinking of her and sending lots of love, I hope she can turn a corner soon. I know it takes time to heal and I am so willing her to feel stronger.
Hugs Sue W.

Linda . J said...

Hi James Tell you mum I am thinking of her and sending hugs and love, also can you tell her I received her beautiful card this week and thank you.
Hugs Linda

Nannieflash said...

Hi James, could you try and get your mum to read an email Ive sent her, Im so sorry to hear that shes having a really hard time of it at the moment, I would be grateful if you could possibly either get her to email me or at least can you email me yourself and let me know ifs shes prepared to do what I have asked of her.
Tell her Im here if she needs me. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Lisa Jane said...

Give your mum my love and tell her she can email if she needs to talk. I have suffered myself so understand. She needs to look after herself. Her friends will always be here

Julie said...

I am so sorry to hear this. Please give her hugs and love from the US. I will be praying for her.


Jules said...

Hi James

Thank you for letting us know and please give her my love and tell her I am really sorry to hear about Polo.

Your Mum will appreciate you being around and helping her.

Love Jules xx

KraftyKoolKat said...

Thank you James for telling us all. I know she misses Polo badly but I was hoping Jessie would help her. I would phone but she has never given me her phone number. I am sure I have given her mine in an email before so if she needs me tell her to ring.


Anonymous said...

Bless her heart!!! I hope she gets better soon!! Don't worry about blogland for now. We will always be here when she's ready to return. BIGGEST HUGS sent your way!! :)

Margreet said...

Hi James, I thought I wrote a message earlier, but I'm not sure...I thinki this is so sad about your mother...she misses Polo so much, although she has another loving Jesse around her...if it is possible to send me her address I will be happy to send her a card for encouragement...will you give my love to her!
Hope you will keep us informed!
xxx Margreet

eiyiyi said...

I am so sorry you are feeling so low, Lorraine. My thoughts and prayers are with you. hugs dear friend, eileen

Annmaree of Oz said...

Hi Lovely Lorraine, I just stopped by to say Thank You for the gorgeous Christmas card I received from you yesterday! It really made my day!

I'm so sorry to hear you are not doing well, if there is anything I can do, to lend an ear feel free to email me!

You're a sweet talented lady who deserves to be happy, and who has lots of people who care! HUGS and Love and Best Wishes to you xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Lorraine, I hope you are better. Please come back soon, we all love you here and miss you xxxx

Merry said...

Thanks so much James for letting us know. Sending lots of positive and get well thoughts to you Lorraine. Take time and good care of yourself. :-)

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