My Lovely Supporters

14 Nov 2011

Just To Say

Hi all just wanted to let you know that I have been unwell, the cold that I thought was leaving me decided to take a detour to my chest, as I suffer with Asthma I have been a bit rough, finally I think that I am winning the battle and hope to rejoin the land of the living tomorrow.  Hugs to all


Doreen said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been well Lorraine,the cold I thought I had turned out to be it knocked the stuffing out of

Audrey said...

I hope that you are feeling better! Miss you!

Kelly Schelske said...

Fell better soon!

marsha said...

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, hope you will be back on your feet tomorrow!

Linda said...

OH rest up and feel better soon. Boy it is already tomorrow there. It is just Sunday at 10:00 and I am headed to bed.
I sure hope you are feeling better soon.

Mandy said...

Hi Lorraine,
I'm so sorry to hear you've not been well,hope your feeling better now...I know how hard it is with asthma when you get a cold,my Mum has had bronchitis and she has asthma,Doctor has put her onto steroids now as the two inhalers she uses are not working as well...Take care and get well....
Mandy x

cheryl said...

oh hun poor you hope you start too feel better real soon hun take it easy love hugs cherylxxx

Beryl K said...

So sorry to hear you're so poorly Lorraine, take care of yourself, hope you get well real soon
Beryl x

Chrissy said...

Hi! Lorraine...that is no good at all...hope get well soon..really well,dont push too hard, take care..


Anne said...

Aww Lorraine, sorry to hear you've been so poorly. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs x

coops said...

so sorry you have been unwell lorraine.please do take it easy.its not nice when you get a chest infedtion with asthma.

xx coops xx

coops said...

so sorry you have been unwell lorraine.please do take it easy.its not nice when you get a chest infedtion with asthma.

xx coops xx

Hazel (Didos) said...

Oh No Lorraine you take care, sending big hugs, Hazelxox

Berry said...

Oh no Lorraine hope you are much better soon you have been missed. Take care hugs Rebekah xx

eiyiyi said...

So sorry to hear that you haven't been well. hugs and reiki on their way to you! Love your new blog look as well. hugs, eileen

Lorraine said...

oh huni i do hope you are feeling better today you take good care of yourself and keep wrapped up too xx

Laney said...

Sorry to hear you've been unwell hun ,lets hope you're on the mend now
keep cosy and warm

Nikbee said...

I'm sorry to hear you haven't been well. I hope you feel better soon.
Nikki x

KraftyKoolKat said...

I am so sorry to hear you are unwell again hun. I bet you can't wait for this year to be over as you have had a bad year health wise. I wish you better soon.


Gina said...

Wishing you warm hugs and happy lungs :D XXX

pinky said...

Get well soon Lorraine. Hugs

Unknown said...

Hi Lorraine sorry to hear you are unwell so much :( .. Hope you will be better soon my friend xxx

Lynn said...

Oh Lorraine, I had no idea you were unwell! Well you better get well soon because I have a surprise for you:))
Lynn xxx

Marjorie said...

Sending you big hugs hun, I hope you feel better soon, take care:)
Biggest of hugs,

MagsB said...

Oh no, poor you, it sounds absolutely draining. I hope you're feeling better, and that you'll be feeling bright and ready for Christmas soon!

luv, Mags x

Vintage Milly said...

Awe, sorry you are not well hun,sending you lots of hugs and well wishes, take care, Em.x

Junie said...

Awwwww so so sorry to read that you are unwell !!! please take good care of yourself BIG HUGS take care !!!!

Mary Lou said...

Oh no it has been 3 days since you posted this and I sure hope you are feeling better~~always sad to hear of sickness :(
Take care--drink lots of fluids and get rest~~that's what my mom would say :)

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