My Lovely Supporters

9 Feb 2011


I am so sorry I have not been to visit but I have caught a stomach bug and it has drained me, still is at the moment.  I also have no printer so am unable to print anything off, I did manage to make a few DT cards which I will be scheduling but had to use images from my little box.  I hope to be back very soon. Hugs xxx


Doreen said...

Oh Lorraine I do hope you feel better

Dazie said...

what a nightmare hope you are feeling on top form soon

Nannieflash said...

Hi Lorraine I do hope you soon feel better, sorry to hear youve picked up the dreaded tummy bug, it seems to be on the rampage around here as well, even the old peoples homes seem to have been hit. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

Chrissie said...

Oh Lorraine, poor you!
I do hope you start to feel better very soon sweetie, I miss seeing all your gorgeous creations.
lol Chrissie xx

Brenda Brown said...

Oh Lorraine I am so sorry you are feeling so poorly. I hope you get better really soon and are back with all your fabulous creations.
Take care of yourself.
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

Anonymous said...

So sorry you're sick!! Sending you get well hugs!! :)

Claire said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, take it easy and get your rest up. My old faithful printer just gave up the ghost too, its such a pain when you don't have one isn't it
Claire xx

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Lorraine, sending you lots and lots of healing hugs. There are so many yuckies going around at the moment. Just try and get some rest and plenty of fluids. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Dawnll said...

Hope your feeling better soon.I am still recouping from coming home from my sons wedding with crud.
Hugs from faraway(I don't want the crud back)LOL

Anne said...

Hope you feel better very soon Lorraine and you'll be back to blogland. Hugs x

Margreet said...

so sorry to hear about your stomach ánd the printer....hope you're feeling well soon (and the printer too!)
xxx Margreet

cheryl said...

oh hun,hope you feel better soon,hun take it easy hugs cheryl xxxx

Unknown said...

Oh Lorraine, so hope you are feeling yourself again very soon. xx

craftychris said...

hope you feel better soon ,miss ya
chris xx

Tracy said...

Hope your feeling better soon Lorraine, Take care hun.
Tracy x

Sharon said...

Feel better soon.

Davi said...

LOrraine Im sorry you have been feeling bad. I hope that you get revived and feeling better very soon! Rest and liquids :)

Rita said...

Awww you poor thing. I know what you must feel like as I had it just after Christmas. Hope you feel a bit better soon. Hugs Rita xxxxx

coops said...

hiya lorraine.i am sorry you are unwell and that you feel better soon.
take care.
xx coops xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
i hope your feelin better real soon, take care, hugs, sue,x

Crystal said...

Hope you get better real soon!!!!

KraftyKoolKat said...

So sorry to hear you are poorly hunni. You have had a rough time with your health the past few months. I hope you are better soon.

Gentle hugs

Helen Laurence said...

Hi, I hope you feel better soon. I'm just doing a little blog hop about & thought I'd pop in to say hi! Sending you get well hugs x

Deb said...

Get well soon Hunni
take care of you
AAHHHH!! no printer, that happened to me not too long ago so I can commiserate
all the best

Merry said...

Hope you are back soon too Lorraine....and hope you are well quickly. Take care.

Vicky said...

Hi sweetie dont worry about us in blogland hun you just concentrate on getting better. I really hope you get better verrrryyy soon. Sending you lots of get well hugs & love.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Marion said...

Hi Lorraine, So sorry to hear you have not been well. Hope you will soon be back to your usual self. Take it easy and look after yourself.

Unknown said...

Hi Lorraine, so sorry to hear of your stomach bug, really hope you'll be better soon. Hugs xxx

Cazro said...

Hi So sorry to read your poorly, sending get well wishes. Hugs Caz

ThePurplePlace said...

Please take care of YOU!!! .....everything else can wait !! Your health and well being is far more important and the first priority!!

I HOPE that you'll be on the mend soon, and will be thinking of you!!!


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