My Lovely Supporters

29 Oct 2009

Thank You but also apologies

Good evening everyone I am back but not sure for how long.  Last Thursday I had an accident and my laptop and I fell down the stairs.  My laptop was badly damaged and I hurt my back and a few other places, lots of bumps and bruises but no serious damage.  Today my son picked up my laptop but it will have to go back as the disk drive does not work and the lid will not close so I am far from impressed with the repairs that were carried out.

I am slowly going through the numerous e-mails I have received and I thank you so much for your lovely comments and kind concern.  I have to make apologies for not meeting my DT commitments as I have been unable to make any cards for posting.

I think I am still in a state of shock although nothing like the evening that the accident happened and I just thank the Lord that I did not suffer any broken bones.  I have felt at a loss this last week not being able to communicate with all my friends so my depression has been having a field day and at this moment in time all I want to do is cry.  However, reading your lovely comments has helped me so much I am so grateful for you all.

I will be back shortly as I think I have several things to post but I think I need to take it slowly.  I apologise with all my heart for not being able to catch up on all the lovely work I have missed but I will be paying a visit to you all and will probably be on here until the early hours.  I am sending my love and big hugs to you all.

A proud member of the Lime Light click over to see what we are doing.


Lorraine A said...

Oh my goodness Lorraine ,,, what a terrible accident :-( You take care and don't be worrying about us in blogland ,,,,you just take care of yourself x x

hope your laptop is fixable ;-/ but as you said ,,, you were lucky ! x x

sending big gentle hugs x x x
Lols x x x

Stef H said...

oh i'm so glad you weren't seriously hurt! i'm having computer problems too, so i definitely feel your pain there. but i'm soooo glad you're back.


Chrissie said...

Oh Lorraine I'm so sorry to hear about your misfortune sweetie!
I do hope you'll be feeling better soon and don't worry about anything but getting well, everyone will understand about your lack of access to the PC.

Lora said...

Aww you poor thing :( I am so glad you are ok though, was getting very worried about you.
Hope you manage to get your laptop sorted properly, I missed you soooo much when you were off line. Was even thinking of phoning you to see if you were ok :(
Just take things easy and don't worry about visiting people or DT stuff, you have to put yourself first for a change and just do what you can when you can. Hope your bumps and bruises heal quickly. I'm sending you loads of big cyber hugs :)
Lora xx

mudmaven said...

You just take it easy girl! We'll all be here when you're back up and about again. Don't push it and make it worse. {hugs} ~chris

Liz said...

Aww Thats really sad I am sorry to hear that ..I send you lorra hugs

Liz x

Beryl said...

Oh Lorraine - how awful for you. I am so sorry you had this accident and also that I couldn't be there to do anything for you. Hope the aches and pains are diminishing. I had a bad fall down the stairs some years ago when I lived in an upstairs flat - but my cargo was two big buckets of horsefeed, one dry and one wet.You can imagine the mess I was in and I was supposed to be dropping the buckets off on the way to work. I was late that day! Hope they get your laptop sorted soon as you've been missing long enough from blogspot.
Beryl xx

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Lorraine, I was certainly worried where you were. Just remember - laptops and people don't like tumbling down the stairs. On a more serious note, thank goodness you weren't seriously hurt or suffered some broken bones. Bruises and pride can mend quite quickly but bones don't.

Your Design Teams just like me as a fellow blogger will just be glad to hear you are OK. Yes, I miss seeing your daily creations and that's why I was suspect something was wrong. It's nice to be missed eh? As for the depression it doesn't take much to send you off course again but you will soon be back around the support of your DT and fellow bloggers like me who have missed their friend around.

Take care and I look forward to seeing the BIG cat very soon!!!!

Hig hugs to you

Kym xxx

pinky said...

Crikey Lorraine, thank goodness the laptop seems to be worse off than you! Hope you get it fixed though but maybe its just as well as you will just have to take it easy till then. Sending a big wad of cotton wool for you to wrap yourself in Hugs

Penny said...

Oh my word!!! I'm so glad to hear that you are okay after that fall. That's the only bad thing about bloggy friends... when they disappear you just don't know why! I'm so glad you're okay!!!

Anonymous said...

I echo everything said by those before me Lorraine. All that matters is that you're ok, the rest will take care of itself.

Glad to have you back but take your time Hun.

Ann x

PinksyDoodles said...

What a dreadful thing to happen but what a blessing it was bumps and bruises and not broken bones. Take things easy and don't put any pressure on yourself.
Hugs, Clare x

Nannieflash said...

Oh Sweetheart Im so sorry I didnt realise you had been through the hoop, I do so hope that the bruising is begining to fade as Im sure you must have been really badly knocked about, I did a similar thing on the loft ladder a few years ago and it really knocks the socks of you. Take care and when you are able give us a email. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

iReneM said...

Oh, bless you, Lorraine, how awful for you. Thank goodness you didn't break anything more important than your laptop. Bones take much longer to mend.
I hope you are feeling a bit better today and do take it easy
Love n hugs

brenda said...

Oh goodness me Lorraine, but as you say at least no broken bones, but still shakes you up.

And no lappy is a nightmare, but we all understand.

B x

issy said...

Oh my goodness Lorraine, it never rains eh! I hope the bruises are subsiding and your feeling a little better. I look forward to seeing your lovely creations soon.


Christine said...

Oh Lorraine, I didn't know about your fall, been very lax with my blog postings of late, don't know where the time goes. I hope you are now feeling little better. You know where I am if you want someone to talk to.
Love & Big Hugs
Christine xxxxx

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Lorraine, hope you got on OK with the computer place. We pay so much for things to be mended and when corners are cut it's just not on - we can't cut corners when making cards - unless that's part of the design!!!!

The lovely Lindsay Mason passed an award onto me. I have to pass it onto five people and you are one of them. Please have a look at my blog so you can see the rules and what five facts I’ve put about me. I shall look forward to seeing what you put about yourself.

Here is the link to the post on my blog

Best wishes

Kym xxx

Lovely Linda said...

Hello Lorraine, I was wondering what happened to you and just checked in at your bog before emailing and saw what a terrible time you have had! I am so sorry that you had that terrible fall...I hope you are recovering and taking it easy....please know that you are in my prayers! God bless you Lorraine!! {{{hugs}}}
PS - hope you laptop is in recovery as well...I would be lost without mine!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your accident!! I'm glad that you're OK and it's something that can sure shake you up. I'm sure everyone will be understanding and want to send you lots of hugs and prayers!! :) Take care hun!!

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

Oh my, Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear about your run of bad luck. Hope you are recuperating quickly and not feeling too depressed! When I am feeling down, I always count my blessings. When I see how richly I have been blessed, it helps brighten my day.

I was just stopping by to say Hi and introduce myself as a fellow LOC GDT member. Hope you are back in the crafting action soon. Can't wait to see what you create for LOC!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorraine, I hope you feel better real soon...inside and out. Be sure to take care of you first....we'll all be here waiting.


The Wired Angel said...

I'm so sorry to hear this Lorraine.. I've had two bad falls.. so I know you are hurting. It's like being in a car accident. Most importantly, take care of yourself and hurry back. We miss you!! Huge hugs, Peggy

Spyder said...

oh Lorraine! Hope you're feeling a lot better, trust you to try and leap down the stairs three at at time, without your magic wand and wings! Thank goodness you're okay. There's VERY steep stairs where we're house/dog sitting, I 'slipped' down the last five last time we stayed here, (ouch!!) it made me remember being a kid, sliding down the stairs on a tea tray! Wouldn't catch me doing that now!!


Linda . J said...

Awe Lorraine I am so sorry to hear about your accident and I do hope you will be back with us soon.
Hugs Linda

Crystal said...

i hope that you are doing well and i will definitely keep you in my prayers! you are such a lovely person and count myself blessed to know you! take care of your beautiful self! hugs!

Unknown said...

Oh dear Lorraine, sorry to hear about your fall, I hope your lappy is soon fixed but most importantly I hope you are soon on the mend from all the bumps and bruises. Take care.

Joanne x

Mel X said...

Hi Lorraine, thought I hadn't seen you around much - that's why I popped over and I'm sooo glad I did hun!! You take care, 'puters can be replaced!! I'm glad you're not too seriously injured though backs sure can be VERY painful, so I feel for you! I've had loads of 'puter probs lately and it is awful to not be able to keep in touch! But take comfort in that your absence has been noted and you are missed! Hope you and your 'puter are back on your feet REAL soon! Sending you a huge hug from cyberspace!!

Mel X

theneon said...

Do hope you are getting back to normalcy and beginning to enjoy making some more of your beautiful work. You are very much missed -- love seeing your smiling face on my blog comments. Your Autumn "face" for your blog is gorgeous. Hugs and more hugs.

Cat said...

Oh, Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are feeling better soon. Prayers and hugs!

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