My Lovely Supporters

17 Nov 2009

Hi ....I'm Back

I am back in the land of blog as of now......have you missed me?  I have finally received a replacement computer and have spent most of the afternoon getting aquainted with the new Windows Seven and locating my blog and other items.  I have as yet to put all my pictures etc on but I have missed you all so very much and just wanted to say hi.  I only picked up my replacement this morning so I have tons of work to do and try and see if I can find my mojo. Hugs to all for now.

A proud member of the Lime Light click over to see what we are doing.


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Lorraine, I've so missed seeing your creations and getting your comments on my cards etc. I had hoped it was computer problems - rather than your health or your mum etc. Hope you get on well with Windows 7 and bond better with it than I have done with our recent camera. I shall look forward to seeing your various DT cards and maybe some creations you've made whilst you've been unable to communicate. take care, lots of hugs, Kym xxx

Beryl said...

Hi Lorraine. Lovely to see you back online. I'm sure you'll love working with Windows 7. It's supposed to be brilliant. I think this laptop's days are numbered but I can't bring myself to ditch it while it's still going. More importantly - how are you? I hope you have recovered from your fall and have no lasting injuries.
Love from
Beryl xx

mudmaven said...

Welcome back and YES we missed you! So glad that you were able to get back online. ~chris

iReneM said...

I've missed you, Lorraine
I was wondering where you had disappeared to.
I hope you soon get to grips with your new PC.
It's good to see you back again :-)


Unknown said...

Glad to see you love the new look blog too welcome back hun

Love Dawn xx

eiyiyi said...

If you're computer is back, your mojo can't be far behind. I'm so glad you're back. I've been thinking about you and hoping it was just the computer that was out of order. Thrilled to see your post. I've missed you. hugs, eileen

Lora said...

I missed ya loads and loads!! So glad you got your new laptop and are up and running again :)
Hugs Lora xx

Beryl K said...

Nice to see you back Lorraine. My DD's got Windows 7 and she reckons it brilliant. Looking forward to seeing your great cards
Beryl x

Stef H said...

oh lorraine! i'm sooooooooooo glad you're back. i sent you an email because i was worried and i emailed lora. she told me of your computer problems. so glad you're ok. sure did miss you!


Lilacanglia said...

Welcome back,

Mel X said...

Hiya Lorraine, you ave bin missed chuck. I popped over 'bout a while ago cos hadn't seen you around. Glad you're fixed with a 'puter!! How are you though hun, has your body recovered from that fall?

Glad to have you back hun, am sure your mojo's chomping at the bit o get going!! Take care

Mel X

Crystal said...

So glad you are back gf!!!!

Maria Matter said...

Hey Lorraine, I missed you!!!!!!!

{{squishy hugs}}

Must be strange to be playing on a new computer, huh?!

I'm so glad you're back, I'll check in on you again soon!!!!!
take care!
Blessings, Maria

Mandy said...

Glad to see your back..can't wait to see what your mojo comes up with..good luck with the computer..
Mandy xx

Penny said...

Yay! Good to have you back. I've been using my husbands laptop since there was a problem with my computer but late last night my computer randomly started working again!

Anonymous said...

It's sooooooo good to have you back sweetheart - you've been missed! Beryl's right, you'll love 7 - I've got it and think it's brilliant.
Ann x

Christine said...

Soooooooo pleased to have you back Lorraine, I have missed you.
My new Laptop has Windows 7 and I am getting used to it.
Hope you are fully recovered from your fall, wish I could say the same LOL.
At least 4 more weeks in plaster for me but at least I get to craft after a fashion so it can't be all bad.
Hope Mum is ok,
Love & Hugs
Christine xxx

issy said...

Pleased to see you back Lorraine, Ive missed seeing your lovely creations


theneon said...

Hip Hip hurrah! So glad you are back, Lorraine -- can't wait to see what you've been up to.

Nannieflash said...

Well my love, welcome back, I have missed you a hell of a lot, so Im hoping that your are ok, and good luck with the new computer, Im sure it wont take you long to get the hang of it. Take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Paul said...

Welcome back.
Really missed you participating in our ATC Swap. Can't wait to see what you've been making lately.

Janiel/ janny said...

Yes I have missed you!!! I am so gald that you are back with us and I am so glad that it wasn't your health that kept you away.
I miss your beautiufl art and your nice comments you leave for me..
HUGS SWEETIE and welcome home......Janny

June Nelson said...

Hi Lorraine darlin pleased your back on line andyour braver than me I wouldnt want to have to start tackling windows seven, windows vista took enough getting used to lol, thanks for visiting my blog this morning too im ever so grateful huggies and love June x

Susie Sugar said...

Hey missed you too, it must have been a killer being without the puter you have loads to show us what you have been creating
will pop back soon to check it all out
Hugs Susie xx

Sue said...

Nice to see you back hun hope you soon get all ya bits back! lol, sue.x

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