My Lovely Supporters

7 Aug 2009

My apologies

Hi all just in case you were wondering where I was I thought I would let you know why I am not around at present. My mum has been poorly and I have had her staying with me since Monday night until next Monday night when she will go to stay with my sister. I have been looking after her more or less full time and therefore have had very little time to visit you or to enter any challenges both of which I am missing terribly but I know you will understand. I am trying to fit some crafting in as I have received my first DT task for the Lime Light which has filled me with joy and the other fabulous news is that Penny has accepted me has a DT member which is also thrilling. I am so happy that I am involved with both and I feel so blessed at this time. Hugs to all and thank you for being my friends.

A Proud member of The Lime Light. Click over to see what we are doing.


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I've missed your rays of sunshine! God Bless you and your Mum! I'll have you both in my thoughts and prayers!
Kim xXx

Maria Matter said...

You're a good daughter, Lorraine!!!

Congratulations on your new DT spot!!!
I took a little peek at penny's cute, especially Grandpa & his marbles! oh I can think of a funny saying for that one!

Blessings, Maria

Crystal said...

She is so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. My prayers are with her and your family!! Hugs!

pinky said...

Sorry to hear about your Mum Lorraine, I hope she gets better soon, I will keep her in my prayers. Congrats on the DT news, crafting has a way of making us all grateful for our little talents.

Unknown said...

Lorraine congratulations on your DT spots, they are well deserved. I know how it is when you are looking after an ill parent, I too tended my dad...but you must take time to yourself, Cardmaking was my saviour at the time, and I did not even know about blogland then....Give your Mum a hug from me, but also be good to yourself....all the best and my thoughts are with you dear friend...Hugs Avril xxxx

Unknown said...

Hope your mum is feeling better very soon. I was hoping to see what you had been doing with the lovely things you had bought from SU congrats on the two DT positions your just storming ahead lol

Love Dawn xx

Penny said...

I hope your mom's feeling better :)

Stef H said...

congrats on the Penny DT position! and a hug & prayer for mom.


eiyiyi said...

Hi Lorraine, I'm sorry to hear your mother is doing poorly. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers, as well as my reiki if that's OK.

Sorry I'm late with this but I've become addicted to playing pirates on facebook. Oh, shame on me, I'm too old to be caught up in this silly game but it's soooo much fun.

hugs, eileen

Christine said...

Awwwwww Lorraine, I am missing you too, hope your Mum is feeling brighter.
Huge Congratulations on your DT post with Penny, she couldn't have made a better choice.
Haven't been around much either, can't seem to get into the mood to craft.
Love & Hugs
Christine xxx

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your mum Lorraine, hope she is soon feeling better.

Congratulations on your DT news, well deserved.

Hope you have a nice weekend.

Joanne x

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Hope your mum gets better soon and many congrats on your new dt possition, there lucky to have you. janex

theneon said...

Keep smiling dear heart! Mums are so important and I am sure she appreciates you and your sister. Congratulations on your DT appointment -- how exciting is that? I see you are on facebook and I am going to ask to be your friend, -- theneon, aka, Martha Kay Gore.

KraftyKoolKat said...

Congrats on DT. I hope your mum gets better soon hunnie. Cathy xxxx

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Congrats on the new Dt Lorraine! I hope your mum gets well soon!! I am sure she so appreciates your time and efforts to help her.

Linda said...

I hope your mom is feeling better. It is so nice to be able to spend time with your mom. I miss my mom a lot.
I am up at our cabin and won't have time to blog and do challenges well maybe. I am happy to have the internet and I can check up on everyone.
Congratulations on your awards.

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